All Science Scope resources
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Designed by Nature—Exploring linear and circular life cycles
Designed by Nature is a series of six sequential lessons that help middle school students explore the environmental impacts of producing and disposing...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Leaf litter—An urban schoolyard investigation
In the Leaf Litter investigation, students use the existing school campus to investigate the biodiversity of organisms present among various courtyard...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Using art to get kids into and doing science
In the following lessons, students learn about the biology of birds and conservation issues by bird watching at museums, zoos, and outside in the park...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Alien Invaders! A board game about the threats posed by introduced species
Alien Invaders!—loosely modeled after the game of Life, helps students to understand how introduced species can affect native species. This board ga...
Journal Article
Many students do not have the manual dexterity to keep up with a fast-moving paramecium on a microscope slide. The lowly termite, however, provides an...
Journal Article
This Isn’t English Class! Using Writing as an Assessment Tool in Science
We know that writing is a huge part of science. It is the way scientists communicate ideas, results, conclusions, and opinions to other scientists. Th...