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Journal Article
Editor’s Roundtable: Professional development—A thousand kilometers wide and a micron deep!
A long-term, coherent program of high-quality professional development (PD) is the best way to foster improvement in classroom practices and student l...
Journal Article
Scope on the Skies: Tracking planets around the Sun
In earlier columns, the celestial coordinate system of hour circles of right ascension and degrees of declination was introduced along with the use of...
Journal Article
In this problem-based learning activity (PBL), students embark on a science trek to answer the question “Where is the science in my neighborhood?”...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Wanted—Citizen Scientists
As middle school students and teachers become involved in citizen-scientist activities, their awareness of important environmental issues will be enha...
Journal Article
Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K—12 (Books Published in 2007: Science Scope)
Each of these outstanding selections defies the traditional image of a child “curling up with a good book.” Yes, they can be a source of great per...
Journal Article
Scope on Safety: Should we pull the plug on wireless computer networks?
Wi-Fi, or wireless fidelity, is a type of wireless local area network (WLAN). Two or more computers form the network using radio frequency (RF) signal...
Journal Article
The Technology-Enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) center, a National Science Foundation-funded Center for Learning and Teaching, offers research-test...
Journal Article
Tried and True: Volcano résumés
Tired of building a paper mâché volcano to teach about plate tectonics? Do you want to connect science and writing? Then the volcano résumé projec...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: The wonder of it all
Nature surrounds us with awe-inspiring events and elements. All too often, however, the beauty and intricacy of nature is lost on students who get bog...
Journal Article
Science Safaris: Developing Bold Academic Explorers Outside the Science Classroom
Science, like most subjects, can only come alive when students are actively engaged in real-life pursuits that interest and challenge them (VanTassel-...