All Science Scope resources
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Why we have seasons and other common misconceptions
The video, A Private Universe, engages students in the ideas regarding alternative conceptions. This video is effective in capturing preservice teache...
Journal Article
Science Is for the Birds: Promoting Standards-Based Learning Through Backyard Birdwatching
Backyard bird watching can be a means for promoting authentic research projects in middle level science. Cornell University's Project FeederWatch prov...
Journal Article
Tech Trek: Layers of Information—Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are powerful technological tools that can enrich science teaching. This technology can help students analyze data...
Journal Article
After the Bell: Bringing the Outside In—Insects and their galls
Gall systems are excellent tools for teaching biology. They demonstrate important concepts such as genetic control, plant and animal development, spec...
Journal Article
Middle level students are in a concrete stage of psychosocial development and often have difficulty comprehending something as abstract as atomic stru...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Mission Possible—Students reading in the science classroom
Helping students read expository text through the use of questioning strategies can have powerful rewards. Teacher-generated questions help students l...
Journal Article
Scope on the Skies: The brightest stars in the sky
What makes some stars brighter than others? Interestingly, there is a relationship between the color of a star, its temperature, and its brightness. T...
Journal Article
Discover if your students are "firewise" and learn how you can help your community survive a wildfire....
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Perceptions about Moon phases
One of the most common topics about which students have misconceptions is the phases of the Moon. This article features a two-week course about Moon p...