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Journal Article
As teachers, we are given quite a list of duties to fulfill. It is tempting to take the easy way and plan your lessons for next week during your plann...
Journal Article
The Doherty Experience at SEA (Sea Education Association) is a three-week program that involves two sessions of preparatory classes ashore in nautical...
Journal Article
Forces at Work: The Top 5 Reasons for Belonging to a Professional Organization
Although we all interact within our classrooms and with our students all of the time, we also need the dynamic of peer interaction. This article descr...
Journal Article
As educators, we must be willing to reinvent our worlds as we learn new things; to re-examine our conceptions as we encounter new views; and to re-eva...
Journal Article
“If I ever get as burnt out as Mr. Jones down the hall,” commented a teacher I admire to a group of us novices, someone please tell me, and I will...
Journal Article
A New Way of Looking at the World
The Global 200 represents a new science-based approach to setting priorities for conservation. At its core is a simple concept: If we conserve the bro...
Journal Article
Debate is one methodology that encompasses the nature of science, science and technology in society, and the history of science and has been shown to ...
Journal Article
After the Bell: Where do we go next?
As teachers, we need to connect students’ informal mapping skills to formal mapping concepts that they can learn in school. An important way that sc...
Journal Article
Scope on the Skies: Exploring the Red Planet
The launch of the Mars Odyssey 2001 signaled the beginning of a revised plan for the robotic exploration of Mars, the Red Planet. NASA detailed an exp...
Journal Article
Genetics of Sesame Street<sup>TM</sup> Characters
By enlisting the of Elmo, Zoe, Grover, and friends, the author brought a genetics unit to life. In this week-long unit, the students (1) create a gene...