All Science Scope resources
Journal Article
Troubling Tides: Will Sea Turtles Survive the Rising Seas?
Explore how climate change and rising tides are putting sea turtle hatchlings at risk....
Journal Article
There's a Glacier in Your Backyard: Modeling Glaciers Through Active Learning
Create your own glaciers to explore how they move, erode, and deposit material....
Journal Article
The Ocean Platform Engineering Design Challenge: Flooded With Stem Content and Practices
Design and build a floating structure that can withstand the motion and forces at play in the ocean....
Journal Article
Astrobiobound: Tying Science and Engineering Design Together
Engage your students in the engineering design process used by all NASA missions....
Journal Article
Exploring the Complexity of Ocean Acidification: An Ecosystem Comparison of Coastal pH Variability
Use authentic data to compare pH variability in three different coastal marine ecosystems....
Journal Article
Modeling the Physical Properties of Glaciers
Create a glacier model to simulate the physical properties of glacial ice....
Journal Article
Editor's Roundtable: Teaching for a Dynamic Planet
Science Scope’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue....
Journal Article
Tried and True: Volcano! Investigating Plate Tectonics, Geologic Time, and the Rock Cycle
This column provides classic demonstrations and experiments with a new twist. This month’s issue explores volcanoes....
Journal Article
Teacher's Toolkit: Scaffolding Students Toward Argumentation
This column provides how-to strategies and practical advice for the science teacher. This month’s issue discusses activities that teach argumentatio...
Journal Article
Scope on Safety: Don't Bench Lab Safety
This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses guidelines for purchasing lab benches....
Journal Article
Scope on the Skies: The Shape of Things
This column focuses on astronomy throughout the year. This month’s issue discusses conjunctions and occultations....