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This article focuses on the use of, and perceptions about, PowerPoint in undergraduate introductory biology classes to understand how PowerPoint composition can best promote student learning.
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This article features a movie project where students rent and watch the movies on their own time. The project reinforced the author's conviction that nonbiology majors are genuinely interested in biology, although they…
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This article describes the curriculum for a highly student-centered human biology course constructed around a series of themes that enables the integration of the same basic paradigms found in a traditional survey…
Learning Biology Through Molecular Storytelling
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A storytelling approach to the connection between 3D shapes of biomolecules and their biochemical and cellular functions
Idea Bank: Explaining Biological Phenomena
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In this Idea Bank, the author provides two classroom activities that integrate argumentation, explanation, and the use of evidence with biology content. The first example fits within an ecology unit; the second works…
Biomimicry: The "Natural" Intersection of Biology and Engineering
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Combine standards from engineering and biology while designing technology inspired by nature.
Crossing Boundaries in Undergraduate Biology Education
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In an effort to make mathematics relevant to biology students, the authors developed two modules that sought to integrate mathematics and ecology instruction to differing degrees. The modules were developed by a team of…
Science 2.0: Gamify AP Biology
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This column shares web tools that support learning. This month’s issue interviews a biology teacher who has created video screencasts for his "flipped" classes and recently reinvented his Advanced Placement Biology…
A Research-Based Molecular Biology Laboratory
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In an apprenticeship-style course that mimics experiences in research laboratories and better reflects trends in educational reform, students perform team projects through collaboration with corporate research…
Research and Teaching: Nonmajors' Performance in Biology
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Effects of student-based initiatives and class size.