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  • Eye Protection and Safer Practices FAQ

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    Eye Protection and Safer Practices FAQ What is My Obligation? Science teachers are obligated to provide students with the safest and most appropriate eye protection for the task that they are being asked to perform. School boards as the employer are required to purchase and teachers as employees to…

  • Call for Papers: Science Scope

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    Call for Papers: Science Scope Not ready to pen a feature article?Consider writing a column. These shorter, focused pieces are the perfect way to share your experiences with the wider middle school science community. General Interest Manuscripts…

  • NSTA District Professional Learning Packages

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    NSTA District Professional Learning Packages All NSTA Programs and modules can be delivered virtually or face-to-face. NSTA offers tailored packages of onsite presentations and workshops, online experiences, and books on popular topics—including three-dimensional instruction—for schools, districts, or states. Using a…

  • NSTA Engage: Fall20 Popular Topics

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    NSTA Engage: Fall20 Popular Topics Online and Blended Learning Fri, 5:45-6:30 PM EST Conducting Labs in the Virtual World Fri, 4:05-4:50 PM EST Webcams as Windows into Animal Behavior Sat., 11:50-12:15 PM EST Saturday Lightning Chat:…

  • Visual Impairments

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    Visual Impairments Students with visual impairments include those with low vision and those who are blind. Students who are blind may use Braille to read. Students with low vision tend to read print, may use optical devices, or may also read Braille like their peers who are blind. Both students who…

  • EQuIP Rubric for Science

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    The EQuIP Rubric for Science provides criteria by which to measure how well lessons and units are designed for the NGSS.The purpose of the rubric and review process is to: (1) review existing lessons and units to…

  • Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials

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    Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials LaConner High School – Todd Hinderman On behalf of LaConner High School and myself, we are truly grateful for the grant award money through the Shell Lab Science Challenge Regional competition. This award has allowed me to upgrade and purchase some very necessary and…

  • Help Your Child Explore Science

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    Help Your Child Explore Science Science is a way of understanding the world, a perspective, and a pattern of thinking that begins in the very earliest years. That is why parental involvement is so important in a child’s science education. Families who explore the world together nurture scientific thinkers and good…

  • A Tale of Two Houses

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  • A Cool Glass of Water

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  • An Interdisciplinary STEM Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience Establishes a Community of Practice and Promotes Psychosocial Gains

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    Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) represent an economical and practical way for institutions to equitably offer research experiences to large numbers of students. Although the benefits of CUREs are…

  • STEM Graduate Students’ Development at the Intersection of Research, Leadership, and Innovation

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    Researcher innovation and leadership skills are fundamental for creating implementable solutions to pressing societal and market-based global problems. The Research to Innovation to Society (R2I2S) program is a…

  • Remote Labs 2.0 to the Rescue

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  • Using Adapted Primary Literature in the Science Classroom

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