Editor's Note: Learning and Teaching (and Vice Versa)
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Science and Children’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue.
Two Departments, Two Models of Interdisciplinary Peer Learning
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On graduation, teacher candidates (TCs) are typically underprepared to teach science, particularly physical science, whereas physics graduates frequently lack training in teaching or effective communication. In response…
The Poetry of Science: Learning About Trees With the 5Es
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Building literacy in playful, meaningful ways. Students learn about crossdating tree-ring samples.
From the Editor’s Desk: Tips for Project-Based Learning
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Science Scope’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue.
Chemical Connections: A Problem-Based Learning, STEM Experience
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Use the engineering design process to address the problem of clothing dye finding its way into watersheds.
Point of View: Where Are Skills Learned in a Science Program?
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Communication, critical thinking, and collaboration are outcomes we hope students will learn from experts in “other” courses. But if science teachers value certain skills, then they should accept the challenge to help…
Using Disciplinary Literacy Strategies to Enhance Student Learning
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Provide students with opportunities to work like real scientists to create memorable science lessons.
Editor's Note: Learning About the Nature of Science (NOS)
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Science and Children’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue.
Construct, Critique, and Connect: Engineering as a Vehicle to Learn Science
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Design a better wind-turbine blade with this activity that explores energy transformation and conservation.