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An introductory undergraduate biology laboratory session about vertebrate tissues was gamified to elucidate the effects of gameful learning on students’ perceptions of their own learning and motivation.
Research and Teaching: Writing to Learn in the Natural Sciences: Does Source Material Matter?
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For over 4 decades, educational researchers have been studying best practices for introducing writing into the curriculum. One successful strategy, a low-stakes writing exercise called “writing to learn” (WTL), has been…
Creating a Positive Feedback Culture: Eight Practical Principles to Improve Students’ Learning
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Learn how to elicit evidence of student learning, provide effective feedback, and extend student learning beyond the assessment.
Science 101: How Do We Best Teach and Learn Science Concepts?
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This column provides background science information for elementary teachers. In this issue the author discusses the method he uses to explain a science concept or concepts.
Research and Teaching: Instructor Use of Group Active Learning in an Introductory Biology Sequence
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Active learning (or learner-centered) pedagogies have been shown to enhance student learning in introductory biology courses. Student collaboration has also been shown to enhance student learning and may be a critical…
What Can Students Learn About Lab Safety From Mr. Bean?
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Chemical laboratory safety education is often synonymous with boring, dry, drawn-out lectures. In an effort to challenge this norm and stimulate vivid learning opportunities about laboratory safety, college chemistry…
Team-Based Learning Reduces Attrition in a First-Semester General Chemistry Course
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Team-based learning (TBL) is an instructional method that has been shown to reduce attrition and increase student learning in a number of disciplines. TBL was implemented in a first-semester general chemistry course,…
Upload, Download: Empowering Students Through Technology-Enabled Problem-Based Learning
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Harness students' fascination with technology and social media to build critical 21st-century skills.
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This article describes a twist on the basic “Science 101” investigation of having students observe a birthday candle before, during, and after burning. It engages students in exploring the attributes of a candle,…
Inquiry dot Com: Web-based activities promote scientific inquiry learning
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Inquiry-based activities found on the Web provide opportunities for students to learn science and may be used to promote inquiry learning. The Web permits students to approach larger, more authentic scientific problems…
Games Students Play: Teaming up in physics class leads to cooperative learning
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The case for motivating students through cooperative learning has been made and supported throughout the last two decades. Two well-known cooperative learning techniques—Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) and…
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The authors designed a physics course for prospective elementary and middle school teachers to foster aspects of scientific thinking recommended in reform documents. Because the elementary school curriculum focuses…
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The process of a successful undergraduate student-faculty research collaboration involving a student with documented learning disabilities is detailed. As the student developed research skills, she also learned how to…
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The use of integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instruction has the affordances of combining harmonious content area connections into real-world experiences that are both engaging and…
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This article describes how a Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) program was implemented in a first-year, undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology course sequence to examine the student perceptions of the program and determine…