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  • A New Model for Inquiry

    Journal Article |

    There has been renewed discussion of the scientific method, with many voices arguing that it presents a very limited or even wholly incorrect image of the way science is really done. At the same time, the idea of a…

  • The Benefits of Scientific Modeling

    Journal Article |

    When students are engaged in scientific modeling, they are able to notice patterns and develop and revise representations that become useful models to predict and explain—making their own scientific knowledge stronger,…

  • Modeling Natural Selection

    Journal Article |

    In their research, scientists generate, test, and modify scientific models. These models can be shared with others and demonstrate a scientist’s understanding of how the natural world works. Similarly, students can…

  • Reasoning From Models

    Journal Article |

    Using metacognitive modeling in the physics classroom.

  • Modeling Periodic Patterns

    Journal Article |

    Analyzing chemical reactions to determine trends in ionization energy and electron affinity.

  • Modeling in Learning Centers

    Journal Article |

    Exploring the concept of living and nonliving with second-grade students

  • Explaining Ramps With Models

    Journal Article |

    Strategies for engaging students in using models.

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