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  • Teaching through Trade Books: Rock Wonderings

    Journal Article |

    Rocks, as part of the Earth science curriculum, are an integral part of the National Science Education Standards. These trade book-inspired investigations for students in grades K-3 and 4-6 encourage readers to…

  • Using an Artificial Rock Outcrop to Teach Geology

    Journal Article |

    The lack of rock outcrops is a national problem that impacts how students learn geology all over the United States. To compensate for this problem, try using the suggestions described in this article to construct an…

  • Safer Science: Geology—Rock Solid Safety

    Journal Article |

    Although perceived as having a lower level of safety issues compared to chemistry or biology laboratories, Earth-space science and geology classes have their share of challenges. In fact, a number of safety concerns…

  • Las Rocas Nos Cuentan (Rocks Tell Their Stories)

    Journal Article |

    Through inquiry learning, students understand the Earth processes that form rocks and minerals.

  • Formative Assessment Probes: Is It a Rock? Continuous Formative Assessment

    Journal Article |

    This column focuses on promoting learning through assessment. This month’s issue discusses assessment related to Earth Science topics of rock formation and properties of matter.

  • Take a Tumble: Weathering and Erosion Using a Rock Tumbler

    Journal Article |

    The subtle effects of weathering and erosion are difficult to convey to students. However, through this activity, students can use a rock tumbler to gain a personal and scientific perspective on weather and erosion.…

  • Teaching through Trade Books: Rock Solid Science

    Journal Article |

    Children are naturally curious about the world around them, including the rocks beneath their feet. By observing, describing, and sorting a variety of rocks, students can discover that rocks have certain physical…

  • Science Sampler: Chemical weathering—Where did the rocks go?

    Journal Article |

    This lesson is part of a larger Earth science unit that combines the concepts of the rock cycle and the water cycle and how they interact to change landforms. The authors refer to it as the “make it and then break it”…

  • Multimedia Rocks: Using technology as a tool to improve achievement in science

    Journal Article |

    As part of a unit on rocks and minerals, students engaged in hands-on, inquiry-based activities that helped them discover what geologists do, how to identify rocks and minerals, and how rocks change over time through…

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