Call for Papers: Science and Children
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Call for Papers: Science and Children Your 2000-word manuscript should describe a set of connected lessons or investigations that build an idea or content area. They should include assessments (pre-, post- and formative) as well as enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lessons in the…
FA23: Engaging Students in the Science and Engineering Practices: Topic Study for Secondary Teachers
Web Seminar Series |
Understanding the three dimensions of teaching and learning science is the first step toward implementing the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and other state standards based on A Framework for K-12 Science…
Science and Engineering Practices: Professional Book Study for K-12 Teachers, Sept 2020
Professional Book Study |
Are you a K-12 school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices from A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)?…
Area Conference in New Orleans
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Due to ongoing health and safety concerns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Science Teaching Association has decided to cancel the fall 2020 Area Conferences on Science Education. The face-to-face meetings…
How to Read the Next Generation Science Standards
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How to Read the Next Generation Science Standards The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are distinct from prior science standards in three essential ways. 1) Performance. Prior standards documents listed what students should “know” or “understand.” These ideas needed to be translated into performances that could…
The Development of the Next Generation Science Standards
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The Development of the Next Generation Science Standards An NSTA Background Paper Writers of Science for All Americans (AAAS 1989) were the first to clearly define the “understandings and ways of thinking [that] are essential for all citizens in a world shaped by science and technology.”…
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Applying Knowledge in Context Science is not meant to be taught in a vacuum. It provides a critical foundation for understanding the world around us, but in many of our country’s schools, the science curriculum is reduced to lists of facts cut off from the context of what makes them important. Teaching only the…
Member Web Seminar |
Whether in the classroom or at home, we want to provide students with opportunities for sensemaking. The actual doing of science or engineering can also pique students’ curiosity, capture their interest, and motivate…
Scaling Up for STEM Instructional Materials
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Scaling Up for STEM Instructional Materials About The Scaling Up For STEM InitiativeFor nearly a decade, the Northrop Grumman Foundation and NSTA have partnered to improve science teaching, ensuring more students have access to STEM learning and careers. Through the Scaling Up for STEM Initiative, the Northrop Grumman…
Guidelines for Authors: Science Scope
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Guidelines for Authors: Science Scope About Science Scope Science Scope is an award-winning, peer-reviewed, practitioners' journal for grade 6–8 teachers, university faculty responsible for teacher preparation, and state and district science supervisors and leaders. Science Scope is published…
For Teachers and Administrators
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For Teachers and Administrators Understanding Next Generation Science Standards The Next Generation Science Standards emphasize the use of science and engineering practices to teach critical science content and introduce the concept of three-dimensional learning. Start with some basics about…