Call for Reviewers
Submissions to Science Scope are up in 2024, but we need more reviewers to handle them. Our journal editors rely on feedback from reviewers to determine whether or not a manuscript will be accepted for publication. Reviewing manuscripts is a great way to get involved with the NSTA publishing program! If you would like to be part of the Scope team, please contact editor Patty McGinnis (
Call for Papers
Data Science in the Science Classroom Special Issue
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Read NSTA's award-winning, peer-reviewed practitioner journal for middle level and junior high school science teachers.
Science Scope—July/August 2023
Volume 46, Number 6 Eclipses Across America Two wonderful teachable celestial events will occur during this school year in North America, allo...
Volume 46, Number 5 May/June 2023 Exploring Real-World Problems Engaging middle school students in the exploration of real-world problems, ...
Science Scope—March/April 2023
Volume 46, Number 4March/April 2023Earth and Human ActivityThis issue of Science Scope includes articles that address the impact of humans on the Eart...
Science Scope—January/February 2023
Volume 46, Number 3 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics A healthy ecosystem can be defined as one that “has the ability to mai...
Science Scope—November/December 2022
November/December 2022 Volume 46, Number 2 Three-Dimensional Learning The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) call for three-dim...
Science Scope—July/August 2022
Volume 45, Number 6 Energy is a cross-disciplinary subject that extends far beyond the natural sciences into the social sciences....
May/June 2022 Volume 45, Number 5 Consciously implementing practices that foster an equitable classroom takes time and energy, but the pa...
Science Scope—March/April 2022
March/April 2022 Volume 45, Number 4 This issue of Science Scope focuses on implicit bias in the science classroom. No matter how good we are ...
Middle School Equity Inquiry Multicultural Social Justice Teaching Strategies
Science Scope—January/February 2022
Volume 45, Number 3 Science Teaching Challenges How does one keep emotionally healthy, given the tremendous stress that teachers are under? En...
Science Scope—September/October 2021
Volume 45, Number 1 September/October 2021 What can you do to promote creative thinking in your classroom? Consider a project-based learning a...
Science Scope—November/December 2021
Volume 45, Number 2 November/December 2021 The Importance of Professional Development Nearly all teachers participate in professional devel...
Science Scope—July/August 2021
Volume 44, Number 6 Visual Literacy A staple of 21st-century skills, visual literacy is addressed in several Common Core State Standards, but ...
Science Scope—March/April 2021
Volume 44, Number 4 Science Beyond the Classroom Much of what our students know about science is a result of interactions outside the classroo...
Science Scope—January/February 2021
Volume 44, Number 3 There are a multitude of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies that can be employed to make learning accessible for ...
Science Scope—November/December 2020
Volume 44, Number 2 Using Literature in the Science Classroom ...
Science Scope—July/August 2020
Volume 43, No. 9 Waves and Their Applications Digital Edition ...
Volume 43, Number 8 Fieldwork and Outdoor Lessons ...
Volume 43, Number 5 Over the past decade, the proliferation of superhero movies has exploded. Although the heroes fight crime and uphold the la...
Science Scope—November/December 2019
Using technology to transform lessons into meaningful learning experiences means focusing on learning goals rather than the technology tool. Step outs...
By nature, adolescents often desire to make a difference in the world, but aren’t always afforded the opportunity. Provide students with actionable ...
Tried and True Teaching Ideas addresses classic demonstrations and experiments that have been proven to work time and time again in your classroom. We...
The road to classroom implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards can be fraught with challenges. The articles found in this issue of Scie...
If you ask students where their food comes from, they will most likely answer, “the grocery store.” Raise student awareness of the agricultural in...
Biological evolution is a concept students must understand to achieve science literacy. Learn how you can strengthen students’ understanding of this...
A performance task is an excellent assessment vehicle because it allows students to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding, and proficiency throug...
The crosscutting concept of Stability and Change helps students understand dynamic systems such as the Earth’s climate. Explore how large systems ar...
Not everyone lives in close proximity to an ocean, but everyone on the planet is affected by these massive bodies of water. Learn how changes in our o...