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NSTA’s K-College Science Education Journals: September 2014 Issues Online

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NSTA’s K-College Science Education Journals: September 2014 Issues Online

Just as teachers gear up for a new year, so too do NSTA journal editors! We just published our first issues of the school year, and there’s a lo...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Do children in your program have direct access to nature?

Blog Post

Do children in your program have direct access to nature?

Being outside under the sky is different from being inside under a roof. The experiences that can happen in either place are not necessarily better th...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Classroom science centers

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Classroom science centers

One of my goals this year is to focus more on science. I teach at the elementary level (third grade), and I’m thinking of setting up a science c...

By Mary Bigelow

Outdoor Science Preconference Workshop at NSTA’s Richmond Conference This Fall

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Outdoor Science Preconference Workshop at NSTA’s Richmond Conference This Fall

If you’ve thought about taking students outdoors to learn science, this preconference workshop in Richmond, Virginia, on Wednesday, October 15, 2014...

By Wendy Rubin, Managing Editor, NSTA Press

Learn What Science Teachers Are Reading

Blog Post

Learn What Science Teachers Are Reading


By Carole Hayward

Action research on notemaking/taking

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Action research on notemaking/taking

In your response to my question about notetaking, you suggested “action research” on notetaking/notemaking as a professional development project. ...

By Mary Bigelow

Help Young Learners Discover Answers to Their “Why” Questions

Blog Post

Help Young Learners Discover Answers to Their “Why” Questions

New I Wonder Why books from NSTA Kids “Why can’t I see my shadow when it’s dark?” “Why are some sounds loud and some sounds soft?” “Why ...

By Carole Hayward

SciLinks Resources

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SciLinks Resources

For many of us, the school year is starting soon (if it hasn’t already). If you are looking for new materials to add to your collection or to supple...

By Mary Bigelow

Building Partnerships and Collaborations at the #NSTA14 Area Conference on Science Education in Richmond

Blog Post

Building Partnerships and Collaborations at the #NSTA14 Area Conference on Science Education in Richmond

A recent Education Week blog post touts th...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Learning from the online Early Childhood community

Blog Post

Learning from the online Early Childhood community

Do you have colleagues with whom you can share ideas for teaching science and engineering concepts? Do you have resources to develop science lessons? ...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Use the NSTA Calendar: The Easiest Way to Get More Out of Your Membership

Blog Post

Use the NSTA Calendar: The Easiest Way to Get More Out of Your Membership


By Carole Hayward and Debra Shapiro

The Joys of Gardening with Young Children

Blog Post

The Joys of Gardening with Young Children

I welcome guest blogger, Gail Laubenthal, who shares her experiences and tips for helping young children nurture a garden and being nurtured by it. Ga...

By Peggy Ashbrook

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