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I'm a New Teacher: How Can NSTA Help Me?

Blog Post

I'm a New Teacher: How Can NSTA Help Me?


By Carole Hayward

From Viruses to Whales, Help Your Students Learn the Common Patterns of Evolution

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From Viruses to Whales, Help Your Students Learn the Common Patterns of Evolution

What’s it like to study evolution as a scientist? That’s the question Judy Diamond, with the help of Carl Zimmer, E....

By Carole Hayward

Q&A about natural spaces for children

Blog Post

Q&A about natural spaces for children

It was a perfect early summer day with temperatures in the low 70s (F) and a gentle breeze that make it easy to be outdoors for hours. We had a combin...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Top 12 Episodes of the Lab Out Loud Podcast

Blog Post

Top 12 Episodes of the Lab Out Loud Podcast


By Carole Hayward

How to Turn Your Schoolyard into a Year-Round Scientific Classroom

Blog Post

How to Turn Your Schoolyard into a Year-Round Scientific Classroom

It would take mere seconds for any one of us to explain how technology has improved our everyday lives....

By Carole Hayward

Science beyond the classroom

Blog Post

Science beyond the classroom

Among the misconceptions that students may have is their perception of the “mad scientist” — a solitary person in a white coat who w...

By Mary Bigelow

How Do I Integrate Science with Other Subjects?

Blog Post

How Do I Integrate Science with Other Subjects?


By Carole Hayward

Science of Golf: torque and moment of inertia

Blog Post

Science of Golf: torque and moment of inertia

Welcome back to the Science of Golf! U.S. Open play is underway at Pinehurst No.2 in central North Carolina! This year’s Science of Golf series reun...

By Judy Elgin Jensen

Imagination Wins at the NSTA/Toshiba ExploraVision 2014 Competition

Blog Post

Imagination Wins at the NSTA/Toshiba ExploraVision 2014 Competition

2014 ExploraVision Participants...

By Juliana Texley

Reflections on the year and connections for moving forward

Blog Post

Reflections on the year and connections for moving forward

Even if your program is moving to a new location over the summer, or you are beginning your summer job as soon as your school year job ends, you will ...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Teacher on special assignment

Blog Post

Teacher on special assignment

I am a first grade teacher, applying for a STEM position as a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA). This will be the first time a position like this h...

By Mary Bigelow

What Are They Thinking? Wouldn’t You Like to Know?

Blog Post

What Are They Thinking? Wouldn’t You Like to Know?

A day in the life of a young child could be described as one big scientific experiment with its limitless opportunities for exploration of the natural...

By Carole Hayward

NSTA Sweeps the REVERE Awards!

Blog Post

NSTA Sweeps the REVERE Awards!

June 18 Update! We’re presenting these award-winning books at 10% off between now and midnight on June 27, 2014. Be sure to use promo code AWARD...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Organizing students for learning

Blog Post

Organizing students for learning

I’m thinking ahead to how I will organize my classroom next year. Could you share some thoughts or resources? For example, should I let students...

By Mary Bigelow

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