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Developing and using models

Blog Post

Developing and using models

Many of us remember building models in school—replicas of the solar system, atomic structure, or the double helix of DNA. But in the era of the Next...

By Mary Bigelow

Learning more about the NGSS (Part 2)

Blog Post

Learning more about the NGSS (Part 2)

In a previous post, I touched on the resources I’m using to familiarize myself with NGSS.  In addition to the Next Generation Science Standards (NG...

By Mary Bigelow

Bridging to the Next Generation Science Standards—What's in It for Me?: Featured Strand at NSTA Conference in Portland, OR, October 24-26, 2013

Blog Post

Bridging to the Next Generation Science Standards—What's in It for Me?: Featured Strand at NSTA Conference in Portland, OR, October 24-26, 2013

This October, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) will feature a special strand “Bridging to the Next Generation Science Standards—Wh...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Bridging Elementary and Secondary Science and the Common Core: Featured Strand at NSTA Conference in Portland, OR, October 24-26, 2013

Blog Post

Bridging Elementary and Secondary Science and the Common Core: Featured Strand at NSTA Conference in Portland, OR, October 24-26, 2013

This October, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) will feature a special strand “Bridging Elementary and Secondary Science and the Comm...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Science of Golf: friction and spin

Blog Post

Science of Golf: friction and spin

It’s the Sunday round on TV and the leader lands short of the green. He (or she) pulls out a wedge and gives the ball a mighty whack. The ball lands...

By admin

Merging Literacy into Science Instruction: Featured Strand at NSTA Conference in Charlotte, NC, November 7-9

Blog Post

Merging Literacy into Science Instruction: Featured Strand at NSTA Conference in Charlotte, NC, November 7-9

This November, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) will feature a special strand “Merging Literacy into Science Instruction” ...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

California's Decisions Show that NGSS is State Driven

Blog Post

California's Decisions Show that NGSS is State Driven

The California State Board of Education unanimously adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) this week, making it the sixth state to do so...

By MsMentorAdmin

Science of Golf: scoring

Blog Post

Science of Golf: scoring

Is a series of single digit numbers really that hard to mentally add up? Seems that many high school golfers think so. Even as a senior excelling in c...

By admin

Apply for a Leadership Position on NSTA's Board and Council

Blog Post

Apply for a Leadership Position on NSTA's Board and Council

Are you looking for a way to hone your leadership skills and give back to the science education community? Consider sharing your time and talents with...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Engaging students in a variety of instructional strategies

Blog Post

Engaging students in a variety of instructional strategies

What would implementing the NGSS “look like” in a classroom? Each of the featured articles in this issue highlights several classroom stra...

By Mary Bigelow

Google Glass: A Lab on the End of your Nose

Blog Post

Google Glass: A Lab on the End of your Nose

Over the summer I had the privilege of watching a 5th grader take Google Glass for a spin. The student was far faster at mastering the interface than...

By Martin Horejsi

Uncovering Student Ideas in Science Workshops at NSTA’s Area Conferences This Fall

Blog Post

Uncovering Student Ideas in Science Workshops at NSTA’s Area Conferences This Fall

“Uncovering Student Ideas is highly recommended for teachers at every level; it contains a set of essential tools that cross discipline, grade, and ...

By Wendy Rubin, Managing Editor, NSTA Press

Kick off the school year with NSTA competitions!

Blog Post

Kick off the school year with NSTA competitions!

Slightly cooler air and the smell of freshly cut grass and sharpened pencils can only mean one thing – school is back in session! NSTA and its spons...

By Brian P. Short

Picture-Perfect Science Workshops at NSTA’s Area Conferences This Fall

Blog Post

Picture-Perfect Science Workshops at NSTA’s Area Conferences This Fall

Learn how to make elementary science instruction come alive in your classroom!...

By Wendy Rubin, Managing Editor, NSTA Press

What’s Your Favorite Science App???

Blog Post

What’s Your Favorite Science App???

Word of mouth (or in this case text of blog) is one of the greatest ways to share ideas and new information.  While some apps have a fee associated w...

By Christine Royce

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