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Spring fever?

Blog Post

Spring fever?

I’m looking out at a snowy scene today, but I’m thinking ahead to spring (although I hope I can get a few snowshoe walks in before then)....

By Mary Bigelow

Looking at and counting birds, Friday–Monday, Feb 17–20, 2012

Blog Post

Looking at and counting birds, Friday–Monday, Feb 17–20, 2012

Please join in the 15th annual count!...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Student self-evaluation: How am I doing?

Blog Post

Student self-evaluation: How am I doing?

My middle school students frequently ask me “Is this right?” or “What should I do now?” How can I help them become more self-r...

By Mary Bigelow

Involving families in early childhood science education

Blog Post

Involving families in early childhood science education

An elementary school PTA veteran observed to me, “If you want families to come to school, serve food or have their child take part in a performance....

By Peggy Ashbrook

The digital textbooks have landed!

Blog Post

The digital textbooks have landed!

The launch of a formal, deliberate, across the board attempt to produce digital textbooks has arrived. Not just digital version of paper texts. Not ju...

By Martin Horejsi

Chapters and Associated Groups: Know your corporate status!

Blog Post

Chapters and Associated Groups: Know your corporate status!

I want to remind chapter and associated group leaders about the importance of a corporate status.  This may be a no-brainer to some, but many organiz...

By Teshia Birts, CAE

Hot science topics of 2011

Blog Post

Hot science topics of 2011

This month’s Leaders Letter provides several resources that list the top science stories of 2011—ranging from monthly highlights to high t...

By Christine Royce

NSTA conference—your first one?

Blog Post

NSTA conference—your first one?

Are you attending the NSTA conference in Indianapolis this spring?  At this point, you should be registering, making arrangements for ...

By Mary Bigelow

Anticipating conference joy, 2012

Blog Post

Anticipating conference joy, 2012

I am so looking forward to the NSTA national conference in Indianapolis in March 2012! It’s not that I’m tired of my everyday life and teaching wo...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Budget ideas

Blog Post

Budget ideas

Our school is facing a budget crunch. Each department was asked for suggestions for cost-saving measures. Do you have any suggestions the science depa...

By Mary Bigelow

Google's Online Science Fair winners

Blog Post

Google's Online Science Fair winners

One year ago, this blog highlighted the unique opportunity of the Google’s Global Online Science Fair. Well, the fair was a success and the winners...

By Martin Horejsi

Earth, Moon, Sun

Blog Post

Earth, Moon, Sun

Table of Contents...

By Mary Bigelow

Science and the Common Core language arts standards

Blog Post

Science and the Common Core language arts standards

Table of Contents...

By Mary Bigelow

Chapters and Associated Groups: It's tax time!

Blog Post

Chapters and Associated Groups: It's tax time!


By Teshia Birts, CAE

When understanding science concepts becomes especially important

Blog Post

When understanding science concepts becomes especially important

There is nothing like a family illness for making the point that it is important for the average person to have a basic understanding of science conce...

By Peggy Ashbrook

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