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November  notes

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November notes

Some bits and pieces gleaned from listserves, blogs, and tweets– Professional development...

By Mary Bigelow

Two items for Monday, Nov.11/28/11: NSTA membership deal and Professional development online from NCQTL

Blog Post

Two items for Monday, Nov.11/28/11: NSTA membership deal and Professional development online from NCQTL

Gentle readers, here are two opportunities for us to be part of a larger professional community. For just 24 hours, beginning 9:00 a.m. on Monday, NST...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Anecdotes from parents: what is important from the child’s viewpoint

Blog Post

Anecdotes from parents: what is important from the child’s viewpoint

It is always nice to hear from the parents of my students: Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Wanted to share with you Sasha’s painting....

By Peggy Ashbrook

Report from the NAEYC 2011 national conference

Blog Post

Report from the NAEYC 2011 national conference

Being away from my daily routine is both exciting and a little anxiety-producing, as in Look at all the other early childhood educators who are attend...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Photography in the science classroom

Blog Post

Photography in the science classroom

My school is offering “mini-grants” to teachers. It’s not a lot of money, but every little bit counts these days. I want to apply fo...

By Mary Bigelow

The Great Beyond: why e-reader tablets matter in science education

Blog Post

The Great Beyond: why e-reader tablets matter in science education

It seems with each passing week, another tablet (computer?) is announced, reviewed, and sits on the store shelf. At last count, there are 54 options ...

By Martin Horejsi

Science fairs

Blog Post

Science fairs

Table of Contents...

By Mary Bigelow

Intergenerational science activities

Blog Post

Intergenerational science activities

My school is planning an Intergenerational Day, in which students invite grandparents or other guests to attend school for part of the day. We’r...

By Mary Bigelow

Science the "write" way

Blog Post

Science the "write" way

Why write in science class?...

By Claire Reinburg

Early childhood teachers respond to request for resources on Earth and Life Science

Blog Post

Early childhood teachers respond to request for resources on Earth and Life Science

Children observe and document seasonal changes as they begin to learn how living organisms respond to their environment....

By Peggy Ashbrook

Science stories

Blog Post

Science stories

Table of Contents...

By Mary Bigelow

Science and engineering that helped win a war: Reflections on Veterans Day

Blog Post

Science and engineering that helped win a war: Reflections on Veterans Day

Being part of a military family, Veterans Day holds special significance for me. Members of my family have served in the Coast Guard, Navy, and Army. ...

By Claire Reinburg

Off to the races with physics!

Blog Post

Off to the races with physics!

I enjoyed watching auto races as a child, so I decided to check out Norm Barstow’s session, Elastic Power: Wind Up Your Engines and Explore (a.k...

By Debra Shapiro

Bringing outdoor science in

Blog Post

Bringing outdoor science in

Steve Rich’s early morning NSTA Press Session in New Orleans “Bringing Outdoor Science Into Your Classroom” drew teachers eager to explore strat...

By Claire Reinburg

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