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Enhancing STEM in PreK-3 Education by Kevin Anderson

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Enhancing STEM in PreK-3 Education by Kevin Anderson

In September of 2019, Education Commission of the States (ECS) brought together a group of experts in early childhood and/or STEM education to discuss...

By Kate Falk

The Relevance of Science Fair

Blog Post

The Relevance of Science Fair

I love science fair but is it still practical? Rosa, TX...

By Sharon Delesbore

Privacy and Social Media

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Privacy and Social Media

I use social media but I am not sure of the best way to incorporate it into teaching. Do the rules for student confidentiality vary from school to sch...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Achieving Equity Through Assessments

Blog Post

Achieving Equity Through Assessments

Our school requires all students to take chemistry. We teach all levels, ranging from Collaborative/Inclusive Chemistry to Honors and AP Chemistry. Al...

By Laura Littrell and Kevin Williams

High School Assessment Chemistry Equity NGSS Phenomena Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies Technology Three-Dimensional Learning

NGSS: Planning for Science Success for All Students

Blog Post

NGSS: Planning for Science Success for All Students

Creating an Environment for All Students to Show Their Understanding Much discussion has focused on how the NGSS (and other state standards based o...

By Hallie Booth

Middle School Elementary High School Assessment Equity NGSS Phenomena Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning

Using Senses in Nature to Experience Equity

Blog Post

Using Senses in Nature to Experience Equity

In one of my favorite lessons, I take my kindergarten students outside to explore the schoolyard. Though I take my students outdoors throughout the ye...

By Julia Deevers-Rich

Life Science NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies

Blog Post

Learning STEM by Building Airplanes

Texas nonprofit Tango Flight builds Van’s Aircraft RV-12 airplanes with students at high schools nationwide. Organizations around the country...

By Debra Shapiro

Why Teach Evolution?

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Why Teach Evolution?

Why teach evolution? Evolution isn’t just a unifying concept that connects elements of the natural world: It’s also the link among science, our st...

By Beth Allan

Nature of science: a new NSTA position statement

Blog Post

Nature of science: a new NSTA position statement

Winter weather often makes us wonder how wild animals survive without a heated environment....

By Peggy Ashbrook

“Where did we leave off?”

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“Where did we leave off?”

I was wondering how to reintroduce a lesson interrupted by unexpected days off (such as due to weather). Also, if the majority of the class is absent ...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Reading a Class

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Reading a Class

A quarter of my grade 7 students are at a beginning reading level. None are on grade level for reading. Can you help me help them? — K., Alaska ...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Making Sense of Science and Religion

Blog Post

Making Sense of Science and Religion

In the science classroom, the rigorous discussion of certain scientific concepts may challenge the religious beliefs of students as well as ed...

By Carole Hayward

History and Social Studies Integration with STEM

Blog Post

History and Social Studies Integration with STEM

NGSS, STEM, STEAM, and Common Core all speak of the importance of the integration of science with ELA, math, and art. However, we are missing one more...

By Judy Boyle

Play—outdoor, in-door recess, and science

Blog Post

Play—outdoor, in-door recess, and science

Children move eagerly to get their winter wear gear, stream out the door, across the street and onto the playground....

By Peggy Ashbrook

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