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The power of data

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The power of data

In her session on “Unleashing the Power of Data,” Nancy Love said cultural proficiency—knowing about and understanding different cu...

By Debra Shapiro

Barbara Morgan—part 2

Blog Post

Barbara Morgan—part 2

Lynn here. I attended the general session this morning as well. I found Barbara’s speech particularly inspirational. As folks were leaving the b...

By Lynn Petrinjak

Science fairs made easy

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Science fairs made easy

Susan Morgan gave us tips for starting and running a science fair gleaned from her 18 years of experience with fairs. I appreciated her suggestion to ...

By Debra Shapiro

Barbara Morgan—exploring space through a teacher's eyes

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Barbara Morgan—exploring space through a teacher's eyes

Barbara Morgan was a featured speaker today, and it was a real thrill to see her in person. She described her Space Shuttle mission with slides and vi...

By Mary Bigelow

A home away from home

Blog Post

A home away from home

It’s amazing how comfortable you can be at an NSTA conference, even in a city you’ve never visited before. Even the floors are just like h...

By Debra Shapiro

New conference features

Blog Post

New conference features

Just taking a break after a full schedule of sessions and a reconnaissance of the exhibitor’s hall. The conference center is a very large venue,...

By Mary Bigelow

NSTA conference in Boston

Blog Post

NSTA conference in Boston

Be sure to check out the conference blog this week. Use the tab at the top of the page for first-hand accounts of the sessions, exhibitors, speakers, ...

By Mary Bigelow

Just how big is this conference?

Blog Post

Just how big is this conference?

According to the NSTA conference website, there are over 1400 presentations and workshops (not counting other special sessions and happenings)! I was ...

By Mary Bigelow

Making science relevant

Blog Post

Making science relevant

Why are we studying this? What good will this do me? I know there are teachers who enjoy the challenge of students’ asking questions such as the...

By Mary Bigelow

Force and motion

Blog Post

Force and motion

All of these articles this month reflect Isaac Newton’s work on forces and motion and the application of these principles to our daily lives –...

By Mary Bigelow

Science for all

Blog Post

Science for all

Was there ever a time when a one-size-fits-all approach to science instruction was appropriate?...

By Mary Bigelow

Debra's turn

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Debra's turn

You’ve heard the old saying that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. In the case of the NSTA Boston National Conference, when the ci...

By Debra Shapiro

Natural history, nature science, and science teaching

Blog Post

Natural history, nature science, and science teaching

Our science department meetings were interesting. My colleague and I taught life and environmental science, and our counterparts in the high school sc...

By Mary Bigelow

Mary's turn

Blog Post

Mary's turn

I’ve been attending NSTA conferences off and on since the early 1980s. But this year, since I’ve retooled (rather than retired!), I don’...

By Mary Bigelow

Lynn's turn

Blog Post

Lynn's turn

I’ll give Tyson credit – he spelled my last name correctly (no mean feat) and South Jersey includes the shore, so close enough. I joined the NSTA...

By Lynn Petrinjak

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