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E-book Invites Young Readers to Discover How a Fish Fossil Exists in an Egyptian Desert

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E-book Invites Young Readers to Discover How a Fish Fossil Exists in an Egyptian Desert

After devoting 25 years to the teaching profession, Mary Hanson was seeking “out of the box professional development opportunities.”...

By Carole Hayward

Supporting Classroom Implementation of Investigations and Design for All Students

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Supporting Classroom Implementation of Investigations and Design for All Students

Previous blogs on this series have focused on describing the Science and Engineering for Grades 6-12: Investigation and Design at the Center report’...

By Kate Falk

Engaging in Authentic Research

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Engaging in Authentic Research

High school students participating in Rutgers University’s Waksman Student Scholars Program spend a year conducting research projects in molecul...

By Debra Shapiro

Why We Shouldn’t Keep "Bugs" in a Drawer

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Why We Shouldn’t Keep "Bugs" in a Drawer

Guest blogger Monica Dolan is the STEM Curriculum Coordinator at The Children’s Center at CalTech where she works as a liaison between the administ...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Preventing Science Laboratory Fires

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Preventing Science Laboratory Fires

Most science and STEM laboratories contain chemicals and electrical wiring that could cause smoke or fires. For this reason, the National Fire Protect...

By Kenneth Roy


Engineering in early childhood continues

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Engineering in early childhood continues

Engineering was celebrated last week but it continues to happen spontaneously, and with teachers’ support, in early childhood settings. Engineering ...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Using Social Media and Technology to Encourage Students’ Evidence-Based Discussions

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Using Social Media and Technology to Encourage Students’ Evidence-Based Discussions

Teachers often aspire to help their students become more involved in a community of practice. In my classroom, members of the community are my student...

By Cindy Workosky

How Teachers Can Use Technology to Support 3-D Teaching and Learning

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How Teachers Can Use Technology to Support 3-D Teaching and Learning

Three-dimensional (3-D) teaching and learning integrates the use of science practices, crosscutting concepts, and core science ideas to help students ...

By Cindy Workosky

Using Collaborative Educational Technology Tools in Science

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Using Collaborative Educational Technology Tools in Science

Science literacy is critical for our students. We need them to understand why it is important for them to do activities, such as composting. In fifth ...

By Cindy Workosky

What's My Motivation?

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What's My Motivation?

How do I motivate students who don’t want to do anything at all? — B., Utah If you ever solve this, you’ll be up for a Nobel Prize!...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Pasco's Wireless Light Sensor Revisited using SPARKvue…

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Pasco's Wireless Light Sensor Revisited using SPARKvue…

Introduction: ...

By Edwin P. Christmann

Supporting Science through Interdisciplinary Instruction

Blog Post

Supporting Science through Interdisciplinary Instruction

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have totally transformed my students’ learning experiences in STEM. However, like most teachers, my big...

By Korei Martin

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