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Working with a dream team, learning about engineering habits of mind

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Working with a dream team, learning about engineering habits of mind

Taking a chance, I asked two colleagues if they would work with me on a webinar about supporting young children’s early engineering problem-solving...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Circle of Life 2.0

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Circle of Life 2.0

I am student teaching in a first grade classroom and we are going to start covering life cycles. What are some good ideas I can do in my engage sectio...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Ed News: How Can We Get More Highly Effective Teachers to Serve as Mentors?

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Ed News: How Can We Get More Highly Effective Teachers to Serve as Mentors?

This week in education news, state school board committee approved new science standards for Utah public school students; states are beginning to...

By Kate Falk

Ed News: How U.S. STEM Practices Compare Internationally

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Ed News: How U.S. STEM Practices Compare Internationally

This week in education news, new research finds that the level of level of teacher experience is positively associated with levels of student achieve...

By Cindy Workosky

Finding STEM Success in the Post-Secondary Classroom

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Finding STEM Success in the Post-Secondary Classroom

The 8th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA, this July in San Francisco offers a post-secondary track to help educators create STEM...

By Korei Martin

Circle of Life 1.0:  Planting seeds

Blog Post

Circle of Life 1.0: Planting seeds

I am working on a lesson plan for the life cycle of a plant for kindergarten. Do you have any activity ideas? — K., Oregon If you’re teaching ...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Impact of Change by Jessica Holman and Michelle Schuster

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Impact of Change by Jessica Holman and Michelle Schuster

If you were to walk into our classroom years ago, you would see students from all walks of life, and with a range of ability levels. All of the studen...

By Cindy Workosky

Curriculum NGSS Phenomena Three-Dimensional Learning

On the Path to the NGSS

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On the Path to the NGSS

As several reports have shown, it is critical for teachers to understand instructional strategies that are consistent with the NGSS vision, as well as...

By Diane Johnson

Middle School NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies

Dense Question

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Dense Question

My kindergarten students believe that small objects are always light and big objects are always heavier. How can I address this misconception? —L., ...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Why Are Bees so Buzzworthy? Next Time You See One You’ll Know

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Why Are Bees so Buzzworthy? Next Time You See One You’ll Know

“Bee-Wildering! Hives of Notre-Dame in Miraculous Survival” (Phys.Org): Headlines like this dominate the news lately....

By Carole Hayward

They can say the word but can they explain what it means? The “illusion of explanatory depth”

Blog Post

They can say the word but can they explain what it means? The “illusion of explanatory depth”

The use of a particular word can support children’s communication about their understanding of natural phenomena and sometimes obscure the amount or...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Managing an Active Class

Blog Post

Managing an Active Class

How do you maintain classroom management and control during active science lessons? I am curious about how to keep students under control when encoura...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Ideas and inspiration from NSTA journals

Blog Post

Ideas and inspiration from NSTA journals

Sometimes  it seems like there are artificial boundaries in education: elementary vs. secondary, K-12 vs. higher education, middle school vs. high sc...

By Mary Bigelow

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