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Sad State of Affairs

Blog Post

Sad State of Affairs

I have observed a lack of emphasis on science concepts in the elementary classroom. Does this seem to be common practice in other schools? Any suggest...

By Gabe Kraljevic

 The Elementary (& PreK) Extravaganza, at NSTA19 St. Louis

Blog Post

 The Elementary (& PreK) Extravaganza, at NSTA19 St. Louis

Plan your strategy for getting the most out the 2 hours you have to access the 100+ presenters, each at their own table, in the Elementary Extravaganz...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Ed News: The Evolution of U.S. Teacher Salaries in the 21st Century

Blog Post

Ed News: The Evolution of U.S. Teacher Salaries in the 21st Century

This week in education news, a look at the variation in teacher pay between the states, a new Lego set for middle schoolers that incorporates coding,...

By Kate Falk

Ersatz Kitchen Table

Blog Post

Ersatz Kitchen Table

I recently discovered a Facebook post in which a parent expressed disagreement over how I graded her son’s assignment. This unleashed a torrent ...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Be the Successful Wiz Behind the Curtain to Your School’s Family Science Night

Blog Post

Be the Successful Wiz Behind the Curtain to Your School’s Family Science Night

We have the ancient Greeks to thank for so much of what we continue to enjoy today. Take, for example, the concept of the community theater. Intergene...

By Carole Hayward

NSTA Conferences: Professional Learning and So Much More

Blog Post

NSTA Conferences: Professional Learning and So Much More

Editor’s Note:  In this blog series commemorating NSTA’s 75th Anniversary we take a look to the past with an eye to the future...

By Kate Falk

Podcasting in the Science Classroom

Blog Post

Podcasting in the Science Classroom

Two of Ramona Jolliffe Satre’s sixth graders at Ogden Middle School in Ogden, Iowa, review a podcast they created using an iPad.Photo by Terri ...

By Debra Shapiro

Chrome-Plated Activities

Blog Post

Chrome-Plated Activities

Do you have any suggestions on how to use Chromebooks in middle school for more than just watching videos and reviewing material? —A., Indiana &nbsp...

By Gabe Kraljevic

The Week of the Young Child is April 8-12, 2019

Blog Post

The Week of the Young Child is April 8-12, 2019

The Week of the Young Child is sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), beginnin...

By Peggy Ashbrook

On teaching life cycles of living things

Blog Post

On teaching life cycles of living things

The changes living organisms go through fascinate us (and sometimes freak us out) even if we’ve seen the process before. Early childhood educators e...

By Peggy Ashbrook

NSTA’s 75th:  Celebrating the Past, Educating for the Future

Blog Post

NSTA’s 75th: Celebrating the Past, Educating for the Future

Editors Note: Today in this blog series commemorating NSTA’s 75th Anniversary we celebrate the many stakeholders who work hard every day so that ALL...

By Kate Falk

Building STEM Ecosystems: Community Partnerships

Blog Post

Building STEM Ecosystems: Community Partnerships

When I was a classroom teacher, I relished opportunities to connect my high school biology students to real world science and applications of their te...

By Korei Martin

High School Teachers, The STEM Forum & Expo is for You

Blog Post

High School Teachers, The STEM Forum & Expo is for You

Teachers at the high school level expose students to learning that is applicable for college and career readiness. At the STEM Forum & Expo, hoste...

By Korei Martin

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