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I’m a new teacher and I can’t believe how ragged I feel—I seem to be just barely ahead of the class. I have lessons that are not going to plan a...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Fall leaves, props for learning

Blog Post

Fall leaves, props for learning

Poison Ivy By Famartin (...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Preparing for Medical Emergencies

Blog Post

Preparing for Medical Emergencies

Science teachers need to know the necessary actions to take in the event of a medical emergency. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OS...

By Kenneth Roy


Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning

Blog Post

Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning

Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning by Jeff Weld offers insight for educators, policy makers, and business leaders about why STEM educat...

By Carole Hayward

Figuring out what seeds need to sprout

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Figuring out what seeds need to sprout

Do seeds need soil to sprout? Many people would say yes. Preschool children may know, or at least are able to recite, that plants need “dirt,” wat...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Science Teaching Stories: 140 Characters at a Time

Blog Post

Science Teaching Stories: 140 Characters at a Time

In the world of Twitter we use 140 characters to tell wonderful and informative stories.  And, in the world of NSTA, stories about excellence and...

By Korei Martin

Starting a Club

Blog Post

Starting a Club

Students prepare to launch a high-altitude balloon with science payload....

By Gabe Kraljevic

Ed News: A New Normal in STEM Teaching?

Blog Post

Ed News: A New Normal in STEM Teaching?


By Kate Falk

Off to the STEM Races

Blog Post

Off to the STEM Races

Building race cars made of food and powered by potential energy stored in a rubber band is one of the hands-on, inquiry-based activities in the Roads,...

By Debra Shapiro

A“Fair Test”

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A“Fair Test”

Photo Credit By dotmatchbox at flickr I’m starting to plan some formal assessments but, because it’s my first time, I’m not exactly sure if I’...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Hello everyone!

Blog Post

Hello everyone!

Wow, do I have big shoes to fill! Mary Bigelow is stepping down as NSTA’s original Ms. Mentor after years of advising teachers across the globe. She...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Challenging Our Brightest Thinkers

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Challenging Our Brightest Thinkers

Although I encourage all of my students to consider a career in the sciences, I know it is probable that only the most persistent, passionate, and bri...

By Korei Martin

Retooled, not retired

Blog Post

Retooled, not retired

I did not have a formal mentor when I was a new teacher. As I struggled, several colleagues and an administrator must have seen some potential and off...

By Mary Bigelow

President Trump Calls for $200 Million Boost for STEM Education

Blog Post

President Trump Calls for $200 Million Boost for STEM Education

Last week President Trump issued a presidential memorandum calling for a $200 million boost to STEM education and computer science in K–12 schoo...

By Korei Martin

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