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A Children’s Book that Explains Eclipses the Way You Would

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A Children’s Book that Explains Eclipses the Way You Would

Everyone across the country is getting ready to view the sky event of the decade – the All American total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.  ...

By Korei Martin

Kindergarten 5E Physical Science Investigation: Scientific conversations from what’s in your cupboard

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Kindergarten 5E Physical Science Investigation: Scientific conversations from what’s in your cupboard

Welcome to guest blogger Emily Townsend! Emily has been teaching for a decade to students of all ages, kindergarten to adult. She has a love of langu...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Successful interviews

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Successful interviews

As a recent graduate, I’m preparing for interviews. Do you have any hints for successful interviews? —A., Minnesota I’ve been on intervi...

By Mary Bigelow

Science Teachers Needed to Support Libraries’ Solar Eclipse Events

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Science Teachers Needed to Support Libraries’ Solar Eclipse Events

Public libraries across the country are receiving 2 million eclipse viewing glasses and a booklet of information to help prepare the public to view th...

By Korei Martin

Stuck in the Middle?

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Stuck in the Middle?

A short story about one Massachusetts middle school deciding between a layered or integrated curriculum format...

By Korei Martin

Summer suggestions

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Summer suggestions

I teach fourth grade, looping with them to fifth. I’m thinking of ways to keep my students and their families involved with science over the sum...

By Mary Bigelow

ESSA, STEM Funding, and More

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ESSA, STEM Funding, and More

Every Student Succeeds Act Looking for funding sources for STEM activities, resources and professional learning this fall? Take a look at this powe...

By Jodi Peterson

Ed News: More Must Be Done To Strengthen Girls Interest In STEM Fields

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Ed News: More Must Be Done To Strengthen Girls Interest In STEM Fields

This week in education news, more must be done to increase girls interest in the STEM fields; Florida needs a scientifically literate public; an Engl...

By Kate Falk

The Requirements of Emergency Showers and Eyewash Stations

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The Requirements of Emergency Showers and Eyewash Stations

Most science teachers know that emergency showers and eyewash stations are needed in the presence of potential biological, chemical, and physical haza...

By Kenneth Roy


New Book: Perspectives on Science Education

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New Book: Perspectives on Science Education

What is the purpose of science education? As science educators it’s important to take time to analyze and discuss the reasons why we teach science t...

By Carole Hayward

Pollinator Week June 19-25, 2017

Blog Post

Pollinator Week June 19-25, 2017

Unexpectedly a butterfly flew around a group of preschoolers, repeatedly landing on one and then another. We had been outside on a hot day last week a...

By Peggy Ashbrook

STEM Sims: Dronopter

Blog Post

STEM Sims: Dronopter

Stem Sims: Dronopter Introduction...

By Edwin P. Christmann

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