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#NSTA17 Meet Me In The Middle Day Re-Cap

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#NSTA17 Meet Me In The Middle Day Re-Cap


By Korei Martin

Cooperative grouping

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Cooperative grouping

In science classes, do students work better in random groups or with their friends? I’m a student teacher in middle school. – S., Arizona...

By Mary Bigelow

Cars and plants: following children's interests and teaching science

Blog Post

Cars and plants: following children's interests and teaching science

“Regardless of the curriculum, it is important to remember that every lesson portrays an image of science to students and conveys information about...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Engineering activities

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Engineering activities

Are you interested in enhancing your STEM teaching repertoire? Or in integrating engineering concepts but not sure where to start? There have been som...

By Mary Bigelow

Explore the Power of Investigating

Blog Post

Explore the Power of Investigating

How can a teacher build and maintain a learning environment that will help students investigate meaningful questions? That’s the central question of...

By Carole Hayward

Digging Deeper: Modeling

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Digging Deeper: Modeling

At the core of a Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) classroom is the sequence of exposing students to an interesting natural phenomenon, having ...

By Cindy Workosky

Informal Education Preschool Astronomy Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Inquiry Instructional Materials Learning Progression Lesson Plans New Science Teachers NGSS Phenomena Physical Science Physics Science and Engineering Practices Three-Dimensional Learning

Effective meetings

Blog Post

Effective meetings

Do you have any ideas for faculty meetings for a new science department chairperson? I’m sure I can handle most of the responsibilities, but I&#...

By Mary Bigelow

Relating weather watching to periodic nature events

Blog Post

Relating weather watching to periodic nature events

Two-years-olds may be too young to remember the seasonal changes that happened in the last year but they are not too young to understand and talk abou...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Trump Budget Proposes Cuts in Education

Blog Post

Trump Budget Proposes Cuts in Education

President Trump’s budget is not expected out until Tuesday, May 23, but the Washington Post is reporting that the Administration is planning massive...

By Jodi Peterson

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