All Book Chapters
Book Chapter
Essay: Encouraging students' Imagination
How do scientists use their imaginations in their daily work and thinking? Is there a place for imagination in the science classroom? This essay explo...
Book Chapter
Essay: Using Everyday Experience to Teach Science
How does everyday experience function in science learning and teaching? Is everyday experience a source of student misconceptions? Or is it an essenti...
Book Chapter
A Teacher's Perspective: Using Students' Experience to Understand Science
Can students use their knowledge of natural phenomena to make sense of science in school? How can teachers use this knowledge to construct meaning in ...
Book Chapter
Essay: What Is Academic Language?
When children learn science in school, they are learning both new ways of thinking about the world and new ways of using language to make meaning. Thi...
Book Chapter
Essay: What Is the Vocabulary of Science?
What is the nature of the vocabulary words that children need to know to do well in science? How and where might children learn these words? In this e...
Book Chapter
What can a teacher do when she realizes that she has used an apparently simple word like think in a way that some students find strange? This happene...
Book Chapter
The Triad Story—A Science Education Community Navigating Gender Equity
In chapter 1, Triad and the Framework are described from a community perspective. In chapter 2, the authors describe how the Framework evolved from a ...
Book Chapter
The Nature of Science and Science Inquiry
In a knowledge-centered science classroom, students work to answer scientifically oriented questions by creating explanations based on evidence. This ...
Book Chapter
Youth Leadership at The Franklin Institute: What Happened When the Grant Ran Out
The Franklin Institute's Center for Innovation in Science Learning develops model programs for the K-12 science education community, both inside and o...
Book Chapter
Science Career Ladder at the NY Hall of Science: Youth Facilitators as Agents of Inquiry
The New York Hall of Science is New York City’s hands-on science and technology center, with more than 400 interactive exhibits exploring physics, c...
Book Chapter
A Burger, a Beer… and a Side of Science
Science Cafés are part of a unique national informal education outreach initiative for NOVA ScienceNow, a PBS science series. The project's special f...
Book Chapter
The Museum Institute for Teaching Science (MITS) promotes the teaching of participatory, hands-on and minds-on, inquiry-based science, technology, eng...
Book Chapter
Discovery Center at Murfree Springs, a hands-on museum and environmental education center, has created a science tour for grades preK-2, called “Spl...
Book Chapter
Grands Are Grand is a monthly informal science program for children ages 3-5 and their grandparents offered by the North Museum of Natural History & S...
Book Chapter
FAMILY MATH and Science Education: A Natural Attraction
The Lawrence Hall of Science is a resource center for science and mathematics education and a public science center with exciting hands-on experiences...