All Book Chapters
Book Chapter
This activity introduces students to an animal that is to be the subject of much experimentation by them. Because most fish have a relatively simple f...
Book Chapter
In their study of animal coloration, the students will be “hiding” animals from themselves. If the students cannot easily spot a fish, they may as...
Book Chapter
This chapter introduces an especially important subject in the concealment of animals—countershading. One observes many animals with colors that mat...
Book Chapter
Concealment of Give-Away Parts
The outline of an animal is not the only feature that might give it away. Often some part of it, perhaps its eyes or its legs or its tail, might also ...
Book Chapter
A previous activity suggested the importance of behavior to an animal with coincident coloration. If the stripe-legged frog fails to fold its legs, th...
Book Chapter
In this activity, students will be asked to review their experiments from the previous chapters. Throughout this book, the students have studied anima...
Book Chapter
The apparent daily motion of the Moon and other celestial objects through the sky is a major science concept. This story is designed to call attention...
Book Chapter
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the properties of atoms. The probe is designed to determine whether students...
Book Chapter
Science Beyond the Curriculum: Projects and Challenges
The National Science Education Standards and Benchmarks for Science Literacy stress the importance of creating science experiences that are linked to ...
Book Chapter
Crime scene evidence can include strands of human hair, an unidentified animal pelt, or animal hair on the ground near a suspected poaching. Hairs tha...
Book Chapter
What Is Inquiry? A Framework for Thinking About Authentic Scientific Practice in the Classroom
In this chapter, a framework is suggested for organizing teacher thinking about inquiry and prioritizing the wide assortment of activities teachers ty...
Book Chapter
Assessing Science as Inquiry in the Classroom
Assessments of inquiry should align with what we know about learning and should be balanced and authentic. That is, they should include all the import...
Book Chapter
Inquiry and Scientific Explanations: Helping Students Use Evidence and Reasoning
This chapter describes the importance of scientific explanation in inquiry, common difficulties students have in justifying their claims, and a sugges...
Book Chapter
Historical Development of Teaching Science as Inquiry
This chapter examines four periods in the history of science education. In particular it looks at how societal pressures brought about the teaching of...
Book Chapter
Inquiry experiences in the Earth sciences are often indirect, because direct experimentation, such as is used in the physical sciences, is typically n...