All Book Chapters
Book Chapter
Modeling: Changes in Traditional Physics Instruction
This chapter highlights the modeling approach to high school physics instruction—a curriculum design that engages students in constructing a few bas...
Book Chapter
Guided by the Standards: Inquiry and Assessment in Two Rural and Urban Schools
This chapter features the environment in which the authors—Teresa and Steve—work. Both are at schools near the border of Mexico, and while both ha...
Book Chapter
The author stumbled across the Physics, Physiology, & Technology (PP&T) program while attending a Modeling Instruction meeting. Modeling Instruction i...
Book Chapter
Aristotle took the ideas of those who had come before him and melded them into a grand theory that attempted to explain and classify everything know. ...
Book Chapter
For decades, many of the nation’s life science classrooms have been anything but lively. Biology has been criticized for being content heavy, overlo...
Book Chapter
Introduction to Watershed Dynamics
The title of this book, Watershed Dynamics, refers to the idea that streams, rivers, lakes, and other water bodies are dynamic systems, continuously c...
Book Chapter
Opponents to teaching the theory of evolution declare that it is only a theory and not a fact; and that science relies on observation, replication, an...
Book Chapter
Classroom Management and Safety
Welcome to the challenge of making good science come to life in your classroom. In this chapter, we look at how to get the science classroom ready for...
Book Chapter
A Bright Idea: Reinforcing Logico-Deductive Reasoning
Many students in freshman- and sophomore-level science courses have little experience formulating testable hypotheses. However, an accurate comprehens...
Book Chapter
Successful learning is more apt to occur when students are engaged in discovering and building their own frameworks of knowledge. To meet this standar...
Book Chapter
This book is a compilation of brief descriptions of innovative and effective ideas, tips, and approaches in undergraduate science teaching. Assessment...
Book Chapter
Every course covers some concepts that will present challenges to many students. Once those challenges have been identified how do you present them fo...
Book Chapter
It's only human nature to ask, "If sea anemones can clone themselves without trying, and the natural cloning powers of plants are so easily exploited,...
Book Chapter
The only form of gambling under the control of the state and to which the profits accrue directly for the state, is the lotteries. In this chapter, we...
Book Chapter
Cats and Their Impact on Wildlife Populations
Could you be harboring a killer in your home? Is it possible that the cute little cat snoozing so angelically on the sofa is one of the major predator...