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Projectile Motion

Book Chapter

Projectile Motion

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by having them explore projectile motion and determine ”How D...

The Coriolis Effect

Book Chapter

The Coriolis Effect

The purpose of this lab is for students to apply what they know about the core idea of forces and motion to determine ”How Do the Direction and Rate...

Force, Mass, and Acceleration

Book Chapter

Force, Mass, and Acceleration

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by having them determine ”What Is the Mathematical Relationsh...

Forces on a Pulley

Book Chapter

Forces on a Pulley

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by having them explore ”How Does the Mass of the Counterweigh...

Forces on an Incline

Book Chapter

Forces on an Incline

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by having them explore ”What Is the Mathematical Relationship...


Book Chapter


The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by having them determine how different types of oils change the...

Falling Objects and Air Resistance

Book Chapter

Falling Objects and Air Resistance

The purpose of this lab is for students to apply what they know about the core idea of forces and motion to determine ”How Does the Surface Area of ...

Rotational Motion

Book Chapter

Rotational Motion

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by giving them an opportunity to explore factors that affect th...

Circular Motion

Book Chapter

Circular Motion

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by giving them an opportunity to explore the nature of circular...

Torque and Rotation

Book Chapter

Torque and Rotation

The purpose of this lab is for students to apply what they know about the core idea of forces and motion to determine ”How Can Someone Predict the A...

Simple Harmonic Motion and Pendulums

Book Chapter

Simple Harmonic Motion and Pendulums

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by giving them an opportunity to explore simple harmonic motion...

Simple Harmonic Motion and Springs

Book Chapter

Simple Harmonic Motion and Springs

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by having them explore the simple harmonic motion and determine...

Simple Harmonic Motion and Rubber Bands

Book Chapter

Simple Harmonic Motion and Rubber Bands

The purpose of this lab is for students to apply what they know about the core idea of forces and motion to determine if a mass hanging from a rubber ...

Linear Momentum and Collisions

Book Chapter

Linear Momentum and Collisions

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by giving them the opportunity to explore the conservation of m...

Impulse and Momentum

Book Chapter

Impulse and Momentum

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the core idea of forces and motion by giving students an opportunity to explore impulses and momen...

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