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Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

Book Chapter

Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

The purpose of this lab is for students to apply what they know about the core idea of forces and motion to determine ”Which Properties of a System ...

Impulse and Materials

Book Chapter

Impulse and Materials

The purpose of this lab is for students to apply what they know about the core idea of forces and motion to identify ”Which Material Is Most Likely ...

Kinetic and Potential Energy

Book Chapter

Kinetic and Potential Energy

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the disciplinary core idea (DCI) of Energy by having them to explain and predict “How Can We Use...

Conservation of Energy and Pendulums

Book Chapter

Conservation of Energy and Pendulums

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the disciplinary core idea (DCI) of Energy by giving them an opportunity to determine ”How Does ...

Conservation of Energy and Wind Turbines

Book Chapter

Conservation of Energy and Wind Turbines

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the disciplinary core idea (DCI) of Energy by giving them an opportunity to determine ”How Can W...


Book Chapter


The purpose of this lab is for students to apply what they know about the disciplinary core idea (DCI) of Energy to measure the horsepower of a toy ca...

Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning (Book Sample)

Book Chapter

Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning (Book Sample)

This is the book that will flip the way you think about STEM from “not me” to “I’m in!” Author Jeff Weld is the director of the acclaimed Io...

Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons, 3-5: Using Children’s Books to Inspire STEM Learning (Book Sample)

Book Chapter

Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons, 3-5: Using Children’s Books to Inspire STEM Learning (Book Sample)

"Teachers in our district have been fans of Picture-Perfect Science for years, and it’s made a huge impact on how they fit science into their school...

Constructing an Explanation of the Big Bang Theory

Book Chapter

Constructing an Explanation of the Big Bang Theory

This high school Earth and space science lesson has the following learning goals for students: identify appropriate and relevant information about the...

Stars and Constellations: Using a Planetarium

Book Chapter

Stars and Constellations: Using a Planetarium

This high school Earth and space science lesson has the following learning goals for students: locate and identify relevant information about a conste...

Making Paint With Minerals

Book Chapter

Making Paint With Minerals

This high school Earth and space science and physical science lesson has the following learning goals for students: locate and identify relevant infor...

Making Asphalt

Book Chapter

Making Asphalt

This high school Earth and space science and engineering and technology lesson has the following learning goals for students: apply engineering and de...

Exploring Biome Shifts With Climate Change

Book Chapter

Exploring Biome Shifts With Climate Change

This high school Earth and space science and life science lesson has the following learning goals for students: use quantitative methods to identify t...

Mars Soil

Book Chapter

Mars Soil

This high school life science lesson has the following learning goals for students: design and conduct an experiment that addresses the properties com...

Something About Soil

Book Chapter

Something About Soil

This high school life science lesson has the following learning goals for students: develop research questions and experimental designs to explain soi...

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