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Editorial: Three Wishes

Journal Article

Editorial: Three Wishes

Preceding an editorial, this title always signals that the author is about to expound on his or her heartfelt dreams for a brighter future for the pro...

Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research for Geology Majors Through Creative Inquiry Experiences

Journal Article

Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research for Geology Majors Through Creative Inquiry Experiences

The geology program at Clemson University has instituted a new, six-semester-long undergraduate research course sequence that requires student partici...

Weaving Science and Civics Through Interdisciplinary Courses

Journal Article

Weaving Science and Civics Through Interdisciplinary Courses

Cross-curricular programming offers unique opportunities to connect non-majors with science. In this article, the author describes personal experience...

Achievable Inquiry in the College Laboratory: The Mini-Journal

Journal Article

Achievable Inquiry in the College Laboratory: The Mini-Journal

The authors engage students in inquiry-based learning by presenting laboratory exercises as mini-journal articles that mirror the format of a scientif...

Research and Teaching: An Assessment of STEM Faculty Involvement in Reform of Introductory College Courses

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: An Assessment of STEM Faculty Involvement in Reform of Introductory College Courses

Twin strategies of Institutes on the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics and support for faculty through minigrants are shown to be effec...

Point of View: Dual Enrollment—Postsecondary/Secondary Partnerships to Prepare Students

Journal Article

Point of View: Dual Enrollment—Postsecondary/Secondary Partnerships to Prepare Students

The last decade has seen an explosion of interest in dual enrollment. In dual enrollment, high school students are permitted to take college courses a...

A Comparison of Case Study and Traditional Teaching Methods for Improvement of Oral Communication and Critical-Thinking Skills

Journal Article

A Comparison of Case Study and Traditional Teaching Methods for Improvement of Oral Communication and Critical-Thinking Skills

This study compares a traditional paper presentation approach and a case study method for the development and improvement of oral communication skills...

Editorial: The Scientific Method Teaching

Journal Article

Editorial: The Scientific Method Teaching

Nope, that title is not a typographical error. The following paragraphs are not about teaching the scientific method. That assumption may be easily fo...

Acquisition and Retention of Quantitative Communication Skills in an Undergraduate Biology Curriculum: Long-Term Retention Results

Journal Article

Acquisition and Retention of Quantitative Communication Skills in an Undergraduate Biology Curriculum: Long-Term Retention Results

The purpose of this study was to assess some of the effects of a nontraditional, experimental learning approach designed to improve rapid acquisition ...

Development of Students’ Critical-Reasoning Skills Through Content-Focused Activities in a General Education Course

Journal Article

Development of Students’ Critical-Reasoning Skills Through Content-Focused Activities in a General Education Course

Students in a general education science course made significant gains in scientific reasoning skills when they were taught using carefully designed ha...

Beyond Dissemination in College Science Teaching: An Introduction to Four Core Change Strategies

Journal Article

Beyond Dissemination in College Science Teaching: An Introduction to Four Core Change Strategies

Within the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education community there are repeated calls for the reform of undergraduate teachi...

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