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Fostering Preservice Teachers’ “Nature of Science” Understandings in a Physics Course

Journal Article

Fostering Preservice Teachers’ “Nature of Science” Understandings in a Physics Course

In this paper, the authors examine an algebra-based physics course designed for preservice teachers and explore how the course integrated two pedagogi...

Case Study: The Mystery of the Blue Death—A Case Study in Epidemiology and the History of Science

Journal Article

Case Study: The Mystery of the Blue Death—A Case Study in Epidemiology and the History of Science

This case study introduces students to John Snow, considered to be one of the founders of both epidemiology and anesthesiology, and a remarkable figur...

Point of View: Saving Energy in the Chemistry-Teaching Process and Improving Student Learning

Journal Article

Point of View: Saving Energy in the Chemistry-Teaching Process and Improving Student Learning

Somewhere between high school chemistry and first-year college chemistry courses, there is a disconnect. Whatever the reason, most students are not pr...

News Media Databases for Content Selection and Relevance in Introductory Geoscience Courses

Journal Article

News Media Databases for Content Selection and Relevance in Introductory Geoscience Courses

A systematic assessment of media-based coverage of geoscience topics relative to those found in textbooks is presented here. The specific question add...

Society for College Science Teachers: Farewell to a Colleague

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: Farewell to a Colleague

Earlier this month, the author attended the memorial service for her good friend and colleague, Dr. Jerry Waldvogel. The service was held in the lovel...

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