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Editorial: Deficit Thinking

Journal Article

Editorial: Deficit Thinking

We always have a choice when we consider another person. We can see their strengths, or we can focus on their deficits. What we choose to view in our ...

Research and Teaching: Assessment of the Impact of Case Studies on Student Learning Gains in an Introductory Biology Course

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Assessment of the Impact of Case Studies on Student Learning Gains in an Introductory Biology Course

Student performance in lecture-based versus case study-based instruction was compared in this study. Case-based teaching that emphasized problem solvi...

Developing Patterns for Learning in Science Through Reflection

Journal Article

Developing Patterns for Learning in Science Through Reflection

The process of the development of critical thinking and knowledge application requires more than rote memorization and the ability to get correct answ...

Incorporating Authentic Scientific Research in an Introductory General-Education Course for Nonmajors

Journal Article

Incorporating Authentic Scientific Research in an Introductory General-Education Course for Nonmajors

Nonscience majors enrolling in introductory science courses may not have a chance to conduct authentic scientific research and therefore may develop a...

Favorite Demonstration: Demonstrating Emergent Properties in Dynamic Systems

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: Demonstrating Emergent Properties in Dynamic Systems

This demonstration was developed for an introduction to a soil science class to show how emergent properties are an essential behavior endemic to dyna...

Point of View: The Nuclear Road Ahead—A Science, Technology, and Society Issue

Journal Article

Point of View: The Nuclear Road Ahead—A Science, Technology, and Society Issue

Many undergraduates can often be motivated by the opportunity to explore issues requiring them to develop at least a modest understanding of the under...

Taking Science Online: Evaluating Presence and Immersion Through a Laboratory Experience in a Virtual Learning Environment for Entomology Students

Journal Article

Taking Science Online: Evaluating Presence and Immersion Through a Laboratory Experience in a Virtual Learning Environment for Entomology Students

A 3–D virtual field trip was integrated into an online college entomology course and developed as a trial for the possible incorporation of future v...

Society for College Science Teachers: Wearing Too Many Hats

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: Wearing Too Many Hats

How do you determine if an incoming freshman is ready for your class? How much responsibility do we bear in helping students make this critical transi...

Experimental Population Genetics in the Introductory Genetics Laboratory Using Drosophila as a Model Organism

Journal Article

Experimental Population Genetics in the Introductory Genetics Laboratory Using Drosophila as a Model Organism

Hypotheses of population genetics are derived and tested by students in the introductory genetics laboratory classroom as they explore the effects of ...

Research and Teaching: Student Learning in a Project-Based Molecular Biology Course

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Student Learning in a Project-Based Molecular Biology Course

Inquiry-based learning was used to enhance an undergraduate molecular biology course. The goal was to use a long-term, in-class project in a studio cl...

Editorial: Bewilderment Disorder

Journal Article

Editorial: Bewilderment Disorder

Once upon a time in a land far from here, there lived a farmer’s son. Stu was a hard-working and pleasant lad, always willing to put his shoulder ag...

Journal Article

Student-Centered Learning in an Earth Science, Preservice, Teacher-Education Course

In an effort to get elementary teachers to teach more science in the classroom, a required preservice science education course was designed to promote...

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