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Engaging First-Year Undergraduates in Hands-On Research Experiences: The Upper Green River Barcode of Life Project

Journal Article

Engaging First-Year Undergraduates in Hands-On Research Experiences: The Upper Green River Barcode of Life Project

To improve retention and engagement, first-year college science majors enrolled in University Experience orientation courses participated in a hands-o...

A Case-Based Approach Improves Science Students’ Experimental Variable Identification Skills

Journal Article

A Case-Based Approach Improves Science Students’ Experimental Variable Identification Skills

Incorporation of experimental case studies into the laboratory curriculum increases students’ abilities to identify experimental variables that affe...

What Undergraduates Choose to Think and Write About When Reading Science News Articles on the Internet

Journal Article

What Undergraduates Choose to Think and Write About When Reading Science News Articles on the Internet

Students are scientifically literate when they can read material about science and intelligently communicate their viewpoints, comments, and critiques...

Building Acceptance for Pedagogical Reform Through Wide-Scale Implementation of Clickers

Journal Article

Building Acceptance for Pedagogical Reform Through Wide-Scale Implementation of Clickers

Many instructional strategies exist that address poor student success in the sciences. They often go untapped, however, due to the knowledge or time n...

Worms in the College Classroom: More Than Just a Composting Demonstration

Journal Article

Worms in the College Classroom: More Than Just a Composting Demonstration

Although worm bins have been used by K–12 and nonformal educators for decades, there is little evidence of their use in postsecondary education. The...

Point of View: How Are We Reforming Teaching in Undergraduate Science Courses?

Journal Article

Point of View: How Are We Reforming Teaching in Undergraduate Science Courses?

A study of a national population of 103 higher education institutions is addressing the question: What criteria can be used to identify the level of i...

Favorite Demonstration: Structure—Function Lab in a Bag

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: Structure—Function Lab in a Bag

This hands-on activity stimulates students to consider the close relationship between structure and function. This inquiry-type lab can be done as a g...

Bridging the Gap Between Real-World Polar Science and the Classroom

Journal Article

Bridging the Gap Between Real-World Polar Science and the Classroom

The International Polar Year—Research and Educational Opportunities in Antarctica for Minorities (IPY-ROAM) program was designed to increase minorit...

Research and Teaching: Scientist – Science Educator Collaborations—Do They Improve Student’s Understanding of the Nature of Science

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Scientist – Science Educator Collaborations—Do They Improve Student’s Understanding of the Nature of Science

This article describes a research study in which a biologist and his research on Antarctic seabirds became part of an integrated science course for pr...

A Versatile Module to Improve Understanding of Scientific Literature Through Peer Instruction

Journal Article

A Versatile Module to Improve Understanding of Scientific Literature Through Peer Instruction

Using primary literature in undergraduate science classes helps teach students both scientific information and process. However, students’ lack of u...

Attitudes and Interests Among University Students in Introductory Nonmajor Science Courses: Does Gender Matter?

Journal Article

Attitudes and Interests Among University Students in Introductory Nonmajor Science Courses: Does Gender Matter?

Attitudes toward science may develop as early as middle school and often differ between genders. Do these gender-based differences in attitude persist...

Web-Based Learning Enhancements: Video Lectures Through Voice-Over PowerPoint in a Majors-Level Biology Course

Journal Article

Web-Based Learning Enhancements: Video Lectures Through Voice-Over PowerPoint in a Majors-Level Biology Course

This study is an experimental introduction of web-based lecture delivery into a majors-level introductory biology course. Web-based delivery, achieved...

Application of the K-W-L Teaching and Learning Method to an Introductory Physics Course

Journal Article

Application of the K-W-L Teaching and Learning Method to an Introductory Physics Course

The K-W-L method of teaching is a simple method that actively engages students in their own learning. It has been used with kindergarten and elementar...

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