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Case Study: Chimpanzee Droppings Lead Scientists to Evolutionary Discovery

Journal Article

Case Study: Chimpanzee Droppings Lead Scientists to Evolutionary Discovery

This case study explores the evolution of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) from SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) and how scientists approach prob...

Point of View: “Is a Bird an Animal?” The Necessity of Science Content Knowledge

Journal Article

Point of View: “Is a Bird an Animal?” The Necessity of Science Content Knowledge

Teachers often see science as an important subject to teach, but they are often reluctant to teach science because they feel inadequately prepared or ...

Student Reactions to Just-in-Time Teaching’s Reading Assignments

Journal Article

Student Reactions to Just-in-Time Teaching’s Reading Assignments

This article describes how the Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) warm-up exercises were successfully adopted into a college-level physics course as a teach...

MathBench Biology Modules: Web-Based Math for All Biology Undergraduates

Journal Article

MathBench Biology Modules: Web-Based Math for All Biology Undergraduates

Historically, biology has not been a heavily quantitative science, but this is changing rapidly (Ewing 2002; Gross 2000; Hastings and palmer 2003; Jun...

On Clickers, Questions, and Learning

Journal Article

On Clickers, Questions, and Learning

The purpose of this paper is to review the procedures used to help students become learning victors. Specifically, this paper will discuss the process...

Research and Teaching: Team-Based Learning Enhances Performance in Introductory Biology

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Team-Based Learning Enhances Performance in Introductory Biology

Given the problems associated with the traditional lecture method, the constraints associated with large classes, and the effectiveness of active lear...

Editorial: <em>Au Courant</em> Connections

Journal Article

Editorial: <em>Au Courant</em> Connections

In an effort to connect with college-level science instructors “beyond the classroom walls,” the editor plans to start a blog. Blogs are the elect...

Research and Teaching: Students’ Perceptions of Their Grades Throughout an Introductory Biology Course—Effect of Open-Book Testing

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Students’ Perceptions of Their Grades Throughout an Introductory Biology Course—Effect of Open-Book Testing

In this study, the authors examined students’ perceptions of their grades throughout an introductory biology course. Since large majorities of stude...

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