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Society for College Science Teachers: “But, I Thought We Were Colleagues?” Professors Evaluating Professors

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: “But, I Thought We Were Colleagues?” Professors Evaluating Professors

Isn’t forcing faculty to serve as evaluators of peers a lot to expect? To assign tenured professors to evaluate their colleagues is also not fair wh...

An Undergraduate Journal Club Experience: A Lesson In Critical Thinking

Journal Article

An Undergraduate Journal Club Experience: A Lesson In Critical Thinking

In an effort to better prepare undergraduate students to read and critically evaluate scientific literature, a journal club experience was introduced ...

Editorial: Gooey-Gosh

Journal Article

Editorial: Gooey-Gosh

Today, the majority of the leadership among science educators of all levels recognizes that inquiry learning is necessary to build this basis for ever...

Analysis of Students’ Downloading of Online Audio Lecture Recordings in a Large Biology Lecture Course

Journal Article

Analysis of Students’ Downloading of Online Audio Lecture Recordings in a Large Biology Lecture Course

This paper address three questions apropos of those posed by Kadel (2006) in the context of a large introductory-level undergraduate science lecture c...

The Learning-Focused Transformation of Biology and Physics Core Courses at the U.S. Air Force Academy

Journal Article

The Learning-Focused Transformation of Biology and Physics Core Courses at the U.S. Air Force Academy

An institution-wide focus on deep learning has made significant changes in the biology and physics core course curriculum at the U.S. Air Force Academ...

The Role of Institutes in Interdisciplinary Research and Education: An Example From Quantitative Biology

Journal Article

The Role of Institutes in Interdisciplinary Research and Education: An Example From Quantitative Biology

To form and orchestrate intelligent groups is a real challenge for 21st-century education and research. In this paper the authors show how a regional ...

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