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Case Study: To Boldly Go… Or Not

Journal Article

Case Study: To Boldly Go… Or Not

This public-hearing case study is centered upon the recent decision by President George W. Bush to set NASA’s primary goal as a return to the Moon, ...

Point of View: The Scientific Method and School Science

Journal Article

Point of View: The Scientific Method and School Science

Can we assume that science teachers and graduates understand the scientific method and the meaning of key terms such as theory, law, and fact? Selby (...

SCST: Society for College Science Teachers—We Know How to Improve Science Understanding in Students, So Why Aren’t College Professors Embracing It?

Journal Article

SCST: Society for College Science Teachers—We Know How to Improve Science Understanding in Students, So Why Aren’t College Professors Embracing It?

It’s difficult for most professors to realize that what’s worked in the past won’t necessarily work with today’s students. Adopting new strate...

A Simple Activity to Facilitate Proportional Reasoning in the Contexts of Density, Dissolving, and Nanoparticles

Journal Article

A Simple Activity to Facilitate Proportional Reasoning in the Contexts of Density, Dissolving, and Nanoparticles

To address the confusion resulting from difficulties with proportional reasoning among preservice physical science students, a cube-assembly activity ...

Research and Teaching: Characterizing the Level of Inquiry in the Undergraduate Laboratory

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Characterizing the Level of Inquiry in the Undergraduate Laboratory

Discrepancies abound in use of the word “inquiry.” In this paper, the authors propose a quantitative rubric designed to characterize the level of ...

Research and Teaching: A Teaching Intervention to Increase Achievement of Hispanic Nonscience Majors Taking Physical Science Courses

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: A Teaching Intervention to Increase Achievement of Hispanic Nonscience Majors Taking Physical Science Courses

This quasi-experimental pilot study of nonscience majors taking a physical science course at a university in South Texas was conducted on Hispanic und...

Using Natural History Interpretation as an Authentic Assessment Tool

Journal Article

Using Natural History Interpretation as an Authentic Assessment Tool

Natural history interpretation offers college science instructors an educationally challenging alternative or complement to traditional evaluation met...

A Message from the NSTA President: Science Education—The Times They are A-Changin’

Journal Article

A Message from the NSTA President: Science Education—The Times They are A-Changin’

Inspired by her favorite Bob Dylan song of 1964, “The Times They Are A-Changin,” NSTA President Page Keeley’s presidential theme during her 2008...

Society for College Science Teachers: I’m in the “Thinking Business”

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: I’m in the “Thinking Business”

Teaching through inquiry doesn’t come automatically—professors have to think of instruction in a different way. Instead of describing information ...

Coupling Scientific Journalism and Poster Sessions as Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Tools in the Nonmajors Science Classroom

Journal Article

Coupling Scientific Journalism and Poster Sessions as Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Tools in the Nonmajors Science Classroom

Scientific journalism, by definition, is writing concise, scientifically accurate, and engaging articles for nonexpert or lay audiences. When coupled ...

Environmental Service Learning: Relevant, Rewarding, and Responsible

Journal Article

Environmental Service Learning: Relevant, Rewarding, and Responsible

At Georgia Southern University (GSU), a regional university of 17,000 students, environmental science is a required introductory course for all studen...

A Dialogue of Life: Integrating Service Learning in a Community-Immersion Model of Preservice Science-Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

A Dialogue of Life: Integrating Service Learning in a Community-Immersion Model of Preservice Science-Teacher Preparation

Dubbed a “dialogue of life,” community immersion in preservice science-teacher education aims at providing a true-to-life and empowering opportuni...

Lights, Camera, Reflection! Digital Movies: A Tool for Reflective Learning

Journal Article

Lights, Camera, Reflection! Digital Movies: A Tool for Reflective Learning

At the end of a biology course entitled Ecology, Evolution, and Genetics, students were asked to consider how their learning experience had changed th...

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