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WebGURU: The Web-Based Guide to Research for Undergraduates

Journal Article

WebGURU: The Web-Based Guide to Research for Undergraduates

Undergraduate research (UR) is widely promoted by faculty, administrators, institutions of higher learning, government laboratories, private industry,...

Do Open-Book Exams Impede Long-Term Learning in Introductory Biology Courses?

Journal Article

Do Open-Book Exams Impede Long-Term Learning in Introductory Biology Courses?

Students in an introductory biology course who were given open-book exams during the semester earned significantly higher grades on these exams, but s...

Point of View: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.—A Teaching Primer

Journal Article

Point of View: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.—A Teaching Primer

Respect is the key to successful teaching because it unlocks barriers to student learning. Treating students with respect opens their minds, thereby ...

How Does Student Performance on Formative Assessments Relate to Learning Assessed by Exams?

Journal Article

How Does Student Performance on Formative Assessments Relate to Learning Assessed by Exams?

A retrospective analysis examines the relationships between formative assessments and exam grades in two undergraduate geoscience courses. Pair and gr...

Biosocial Problems in Contemporary America: A Course on the Use and Misuse of Scientific Knowledge

Journal Article

Biosocial Problems in Contemporary America: A Course on the Use and Misuse of Scientific Knowledge

This writing-intensive seminar for biology majors deals with the social and political implications of biological explanations for social phenomena. Th...

The Case Study: I'm Looking Over a White Striped Clover: A Case of Natural Selection

Journal Article

The Case Study: I'm Looking Over a White Striped Clover: A Case of Natural Selection

The case presented in this article is an exploration of the process of natural selection using white clover (Trifolium repens) as an example. In gener...

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