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Favorite Demonstration: Scientific Observation and the Learning Cycle—Burning the Candle at Both Ends

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: Scientific Observation and the Learning Cycle—Burning the Candle at Both Ends

This article describes a twist on the basic “Science 101” investigation of having students observe a birthday candle before, during, and after bur...

Detecting Landscape Change: The View From Above

Journal Article

Detecting Landscape Change: The View From Above

This article will demonstrate an approach for discovering and assessing local landscape change through the use of remotely sensed images. A brief intr...

Editorial: Without a Net

Journal Article

Editorial: Without a Net

If you need to move something heavier than yourself, a basic understanding of physics is invaluable. If you find yourself lost, cold, and hungry in th...

Integrating a Single Tablet PC in Chemistry, Engineering, and Physics Courses

Journal Article

Integrating a Single Tablet PC in Chemistry, Engineering, and Physics Courses

A tablet PC is a versatile computer that combines the computing power of a notebook with the pen functionality of a PDA (Cox and Rogers 2005b). The au...

GeoJourney: A Field-Based, Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Geology, Native American Cultures, and Environmental Studies

Journal Article

GeoJourney: A Field-Based, Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Geology, Native American Cultures, and Environmental Studies

GeoJourney is an interdisciplinary field trip in geology, Native American studies, and environmental studies designed for introductory-level undergrad...

Speaker Perceptions of Communicative Effectiveness: Conversational Analysis of Student-Teacher Talk

Journal Article

Speaker Perceptions of Communicative Effectiveness: Conversational Analysis of Student-Teacher Talk

This study examines verbal behavior in student-teacher talk and alignment of perceptions of communication effectiveness. Heightened awareness of conve...

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