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Point of View: A Gentle Reminder that a Hypothesis is Never Proven Correct, nor is a Theory Ever Proven to Be True

Journal Article

Point of View: A Gentle Reminder that a Hypothesis is Never Proven Correct, nor is a Theory Ever Proven to Be True

Teachers have created a huge misconception for students and non-scientists who read and use textbooks. They have come to believe that science is abso...

A Service-Learning Model for Science Education Outreach

Journal Article

A Service-Learning Model for Science Education Outreach

The Science Education Outreach Program (SEOP) engages undergraduate students from a variety of academic disciplines in service-learning experiences. ...

The Case Study: Professional Development Cases

Journal Article

The Case Study: Professional Development Cases

A professional development case in college science teaching bridges the gap between educational theory and practice. A good case poses an interesting...

The Case Study: E-Mail From Socrates

Journal Article

The Case Study: E-Mail From Socrates

Humans are storytelling animals that learn best when things are put into an experience or story. Teachers seem to think they can just lecture about t...

Models for Integrating Technology in Higher Education: The Physics of Sound

Journal Article

Models for Integrating Technology in Higher Education: The Physics of Sound

Institutions that place laptops in the hands of every student offer unique opportunities to integrate technology into instruction. The following is a...

Favorite Demonstration: One Hot Demonstration -- The Urban Heat Island Effect

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: One Hot Demonstration -- The Urban Heat Island Effect

Demonstrations are most successful as a teaching tool when they can link a scientific principle to a real-life application of the knowledge. When pos...

Knowledge Retention of Exercise Physiology Content Between Athletes and Nonathletes

Journal Article

Knowledge Retention of Exercise Physiology Content Between Athletes and Nonathletes

Based on the idea that learning is linked to personal relevance, this study examined knowledge retention of exercise physiology content between colleg...

Reading Questions: Encouraging Students to Read the Text Before Coming to Class

Journal Article

Reading Questions: Encouraging Students to Read the Text Before Coming to Class

College science teachers know that students get the most out of class if they have completed the assigned reading. To reinforce this expectation, we ...

The Distant Exploration of Wolves: Using Technology to Explore Student Questions About Wolves

Journal Article

The Distant Exploration of Wolves: Using Technology to Explore Student Questions About Wolves

Radio telemetry data available via the internet are used to facilitate long-term inquiry projects. Through these projects, students gain a deeper und...

Research and Teaching: Assessment Results Following Inquiry and Traditional Physics Laboratory Activities

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Assessment Results Following Inquiry and Traditional Physics Laboratory Activities

Preservice elementary teachers in a conceptual physics course were given multiple resources to use during several inquiry activities in order to inves...

Society for College Science Teachers: What They Don't Know

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: What They Don't Know

When you read the title, your first thought it was probably about the undergraduates you are teaching and perhaps some "common scientific knowledge" t...

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