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Blogs: Applications in Science Education

Journal Article

Blogs: Applications in Science Education

Blogs are reshaping our political, social, and cultural environment. Education is affected by blogs because of their potential for learning and teach...

Editorial: The Terman Oscillation

Journal Article

Editorial: The Terman Oscillation

Lewis Terman's ghost is everywhere. He's present in spirit in every SAT score, every curriculum reassessment, and in every curriculum policy change. ...

The Effectiveness of Online Homework in an Introductory Science Class

Journal Article

The Effectiveness of Online Homework in an Introductory Science Class

Does the use of an online homework system such as WebAssign in an introductory astronomy course affect student performance? Four sections of introduc...

Society for College Science Teachers: Should We Allow Disclaimers in Textbooks? Maybe the Right Ones.

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: Should We Allow Disclaimers in Textbooks? Maybe the Right Ones.

Many scientists are concerned about efforts to place disclaimers in textooks concerning the controversial nature of certain theories. The issues rais...

Brewing Science: Using Beer and the Brewing Process to Stimulate Interest in Science and the Science Laboratory

Journal Article

Brewing Science: Using Beer and the Brewing Process to Stimulate Interest in Science and the Science Laboratory

Following the brewing process from grain to glass, this course uses the biological and chemical principles of brewing to teach science to the nonscien...

Moving Research Into the Classroom: Successful Adaptations at a Service Academy

Journal Article

Moving Research Into the Classroom: Successful Adaptations at a Service Academy

To promote research exposure for biology students, a team developed a successful classroom-based research program in two elective courses. Students w...

Is There Room for Reflection in a Science Course for Nonscience Majors? A New Way to Look at Assessment

Journal Article

Is There Room for Reflection in a Science Course for Nonscience Majors? A New Way to Look at Assessment

The Diagnostic Learning Log (Angelo and Cross 1993) is a focused journal entry where students indicate what they have learned from a particular unit, ...

Favorite Demonstration: Demonstrating Translation With a Student-Centered Activity

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: Demonstrating Translation With a Student-Centered Activity

The process of protein synthesis translation is difficult for many students to understand. The reasons for this include the fact that it is difficult...

Light on Trial: Using a Courtroom Drama to Compare Scientific Hypotheses

Journal Article

Light on Trial: Using a Courtroom Drama to Compare Scientific Hypotheses

A narrative in the form of a courtroom trial is used to compare evidence on the nature of light as part of an introductory college physics course. Pr...

Establishing Problem-Solving Habits in Introductory Science Courses

Journal Article

Establishing Problem-Solving Habits in Introductory Science Courses

Students crave porblem-solving strategies that promise increased achievement on tests. Student ambitions seem to align with teacher goals, yet studen...

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