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Teaching Problem-Solving Skills without Sacrificing Course Content: Marrying Traditional Lecture and Active Learning in an Organic Chemistry Class

Journal Article

Teaching Problem-Solving Skills without Sacrificing Course Content: Marrying Traditional Lecture and Active Learning in an Organic Chemistry Class

Promoting problem-solving skills is a challenge faced by all science instructors. Teaching students to integrate information without sacrificing conte...

Bridging the Two Cultures:  A Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching and Learning Science in a Societal Context

Journal Article

Bridging the Two Cultures: A Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching and Learning Science in a Societal Context

Twentieth-century novelist and physicist C.P. Snow famously stated that solving the world’s complex problems requires collaboration between humanist...

Creating Case Study Presentations: A Survey of Senior Seminar Students

Journal Article

Creating Case Study Presentations: A Survey of Senior Seminar Students

Senior seminar students were surveyed on their opinions of a course that required them to create and present original formal case studies; this result...

Research and Teaching: Who Does Extra-Credit Work in Introductory Science Courses?

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Who Does Extra-Credit Work in Introductory Science Courses?

On the first day of classes, 81% of students in an introductory biology course claimed that they would submit extra-credit work if given the opportuni...

Manna from Heaven or "Clickers" from Hell: Experiences with an Electronic Response System

Journal Article

Manna from Heaven or "Clickers" from Hell: Experiences with an Electronic Response System

Instructors used an electronic response system to enhance student-centered learning in large and small college biology classes. The system worked well...

Designing Teaching Facilities: Pedagogy as the Driving Force

Journal Article

Designing Teaching Facilities: Pedagogy as the Driving Force

Pedagogy, the art and science of teaching, should be the driving force behind the design of any teaching facility. What is taught and how it is taught...

Editorial: Coming Soon -- Isn't Your Science Just a Theory?

Journal Article

Editorial: Coming Soon -- Isn't Your Science Just a Theory?

Many of our fellow citizens believe that creationist claims deserve equal time with evolution in biology class. "After all, isn't evolution just a th...

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