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Case Study: The Business End of Cases

Journal Article

Case Study: The Business End of Cases

This article takes a retrospective look at how the folks in business schools look at the case method. The legacy of cases in business may seem short ...

A Message from the NSTA President: A New Era for NSTA Conventions

Journal Article

A Message from the NSTA President: A New Era for NSTA Conventions

NSTA has unveiled a new name--and an enriched format--for its time-honored conventions. The NSTA national and area conventions will now be called NSTA...

Editorial: No Time for Complacency

Journal Article

Editorial: No Time for Complacency

What accounts for our citizens' apparent lack of interest in scientific careers? The National Science Foundation (NSF) and other agencies have pumped...

Laboratory Based Case Studies: Closer to the Real World

Journal Article

Laboratory Based Case Studies: Closer to the Real World

Case-based laboratories offer students the chance to approximate real science. Based on interesting stories that pose problems requiring experimental ...

PCBs in the Last Frontier: A Case Study on the Scientific Method

Journal Article

PCBs in the Last Frontier: A Case Study on the Scientific Method

This interrupted case study is based on current research involving the global transport of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Students are asked to pro...

Editorial: October Salute

Journal Article

Editorial: October Salute

This special issue of JCST once again features a set of articles on the use of case studies in science assembled by Clyde (Kipp) Herreid, Distinguishe...

The Case of the Druid Dracula: A Directed "Clicker" Case Study on DNA Fingerprinting

Journal Article

The Case of the Druid Dracula: A Directed "Clicker" Case Study on DNA Fingerprinting

This article describes how case studies have been successfully implemented in an introductory biology course of 300+ students using available technolo...

A Killer Lake

Journal Article

A Killer Lake

In 1986, Lake Nyos, a volcanic lake in Cameroon, released a huge amount of carbon dioxide gas, killing over 1,700 people in the surrounding area. This...

Artificial Sanity: A Case Study for a Class in Introductory Psychology

Journal Article

Artificial Sanity: A Case Study for a Class in Introductory Psychology

Using the story of death row inmate Charles Singleton, who developed paranoid schizophrenia while in prison awaiting execution, this case study explor...

A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed: A Case Study on Human Respiratory Physiology

Journal Article

A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed: A Case Study on Human Respiratory Physiology

The dynamics of oxygen transport by the blood can be a particularly difficult topic for students to grasp. A directed case study about carbon monoxide...

Mask of Black God: The Pleiades in Navajo Cosmology

Journal Article

Mask of Black God: The Pleiades in Navajo Cosmology

One Navajo legend attributes the creation of the primary stars and constellations to Black God. Today, a famous star cluster—the Pleiades—often ap...

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