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Favorite Demonstration: MOM Teaches Chemistry

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: MOM Teaches Chemistry

Bring in an expert to demonstrate simple chemistry concepts—MOM! Milk of Magnesia (MOM) is used in this practical demonstration that is simple to do...

Opening the Gateway

Journal Article

Opening the Gateway

The Gateway Science Workshop is a peer-facilitated, problem-focused program designed to improve student retention in the sciences. This article discus...

Fostering Inquiry in Nonlaboratory Settings

Journal Article

Fostering Inquiry in Nonlaboratory Settings

Inquiry is an important learning strategy, even for students who cannot or do not perform actual experiments. The authors describe two activities, oth...

Adventures in Exercise Physiology

Journal Article

Adventures in Exercise Physiology

The author altered the format of an exercise physiology course from traditional lecture to emphasizing daily reading quizzes and group problem-solving...

Zoo Praxis and Theories

Journal Article

Zoo Praxis and Theories

Zoo projects that encourage reflective learning and are legitimate undertakings for untrained undergraduates are hard to develop. The two themes of th...

A New Model for Inquiry

Journal Article

A New Model for Inquiry

There has been renewed discussion of the scientific method, with many voices arguing that it presents a very limited or even wholly incorrect image of...

Editorial: What <em> JCST </em> Can Do for You

Journal Article

Editorial: What <em> JCST </em> Can Do for You

In this month’s column, the new Field Editor, Randy Moore, introduces himself and outlines several goals for his 3-year term as editor of JCST. He...

Favorite Demonstration: Tips for Using Demonstrations Effectively

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: Tips for Using Demonstrations Effectively

Demonstrations are powerful learning tools when properly used in combination with other teaching strategies. They are effective ways to model scientif...

Plagiarism Avoidance

Journal Article

Plagiarism Avoidance

College students often struggle to understand complex technical language inherent in scientific communication. In some cases, this struggle leads to p...

Powerful Ideas in Physical Science

Journal Article

Powerful Ideas in Physical Science

Powerful Ideas in Physical Science (PIPS) is a preservice curriculum that provides modules for physical science courses designed for elementary educat...

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