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Biology of the Southeast

Journal Article

Biology of the Southeast

A learning community for science students gives participants an opportunity to design and implement a field biology research project. Integrated into ...

Favorite Demonstration: Brown Bagging It

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: Brown Bagging It

This simple and inexpensive technique was designed to catch the attention of introductory zoology students and complements any object-based demonstrat...

Society for College Science Teachers: The Importance of Mathematics in Biology Courses

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: The Importance of Mathematics in Biology Courses

We do our students a great disservice if we do not involve them in the mathematical nature of biology. The lack of mathematics-based experiences in th...

The Case Study: Can Case Studies Be Used to Teach Critical Thinking?

Journal Article

The Case Study: Can Case Studies Be Used to Teach Critical Thinking?

In this month’s column, case studies are touted as an effective means of promoting critical thinking skills. Most of them are discipline specific, c...

Point of View: The Community College Funding Gap

Journal Article

Point of View: The Community College Funding Gap

In this month’s opinion piece, the author expresses her displeasure with President Bush’s commitment to provide more funding for community college...

Research and Teaching: Using Peer Teaching to Promote Learning in Biology

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Using Peer Teaching to Promote Learning in Biology

The author assessed the effectiveness of peer teaching in helping students learn biology concepts. Students performed the best on exam questions based...

Inquiry-Guided Instruction

Journal Article

Inquiry-Guided Instruction

Inquiry-guided instruction (IGI) has the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience for both educators and students. Although studies show t...

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