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Exercise in Inquiry

Journal Article

Exercise in Inquiry

Students expressed strong positive feelings about inquiry-based teaching methods the authors developed and implemented in an undergraduate exercise ph...

Redesigning Research

Journal Article

Redesigning Research

The authors developed an inquiry-based course that emphasizes integration of the sciences. Student teams pursue research projects of their own design ...

Systems in Science

Journal Article

Systems in Science

Undergraduate elementary education majors participate in an interdisciplinary course focused on modeling scientific systems. Students’ applications ...

Computers in Science

Journal Article

Computers in Science

Computers can be used as a focal point in a course introducing various scientific fields and underscoring the interdisciplinary nature of science. Thi...

Ecology on Campus

Journal Article

Ecology on Campus

A laboratory exercise for an introductory environmental course was developed to give students service learning opportunities and to gather environment...

The Case Study: Senior Seminar

Journal Article

The Case Study: Senior Seminar

Incorporating a case study format into a senior seminar course is a novel method of teaching the components of a successful seminar. Within this forma...

Research and Teaching: Graduate Students as Middle School Content Experts

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Graduate Students as Middle School Content Experts

This article describes how an NSF project sponsors graduate students who provide rich science content expertise for middle school teachers and their s...

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