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Full Application of the Scientific Method in an Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory: A Reality-Based Approach to Experiential Student-Directed Instruction

Journal Article

Full Application of the Scientific Method in an Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory: A Reality-Based Approach to Experiential Student-Directed Instruction

Classroom experiments are often designed for convenience, ignoring fundamental scientific processes. Even “hands-on” experiences seldom allow the ...

Favorite Demonstration: The Laporte Selection Rule in Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: The Laporte Selection Rule in Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy

The Laporte selection rule states that electronic transitions between two gerade (g) states are forbidden; electronic transitions between two ungerade...

The Molecular Evidence for Evolution: Narrowing the Definition of Evolution to Represent a Single Concept

Journal Article

The Molecular Evidence for Evolution: Narrowing the Definition of Evolution to Represent a Single Concept

The best way for students to discover how DNA sequences confirm descent with modification is to let them analyze data from the public sequence databas...

Point of View: Scientific “Truth”—A Barrier to Understanding? Truth, Knowledge, and the Pursuit of Meaning in Science

Journal Article

Point of View: Scientific “Truth”—A Barrier to Understanding? Truth, Knowledge, and the Pursuit of Meaning in Science

This column shares reflections or thoughtful opinions on issues of broad interest to the community. In this month’s issue, the author discusses the ...

Journal Articles as Case Studies: The New England Journal of Medicine on Lactose Intolerance

Journal Article

Journal Articles as Case Studies: The New England Journal of Medicine on Lactose Intolerance

Students use as the basis for a case study a journal article investigating whether people who claimed to have severe lactose intolerance really were u...

Editorial: Headwinds Over Kansas—Making Good on Our Commitment to Science Education

Journal Article

Editorial: Headwinds Over Kansas—Making Good on Our Commitment to Science Education

The Journal of College Science Teaching’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue....

The Case Study: Avogadro Goes to Court—The Price to Pay for Calculating the Cost of a Single Aluminum Atom

Journal Article

The Case Study: Avogadro Goes to Court—The Price to Pay for Calculating the Cost of a Single Aluminum Atom

This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. I...

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