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The Paradigm Changes: But Do Our Students Know That? Tracking the Gradual and Continual Evolution of the Periodic Chart

Journal Article

The Paradigm Changes: But Do Our Students Know That? Tracking the Gradual and Continual Evolution of the Periodic Chart

Although Mendeleeff presented his periodic chart in a paper to the German Chemical Society in 1869, its acceptance was a gradual process. The changes ...

Favorite Demonstration: The Effect of Calcium on the Binding of Calmodulin to Calcium/Calmodulin Protein Kinase II: Demonstrating the Calcium-Dependent Binding of Calmodulin to a Target Protein

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: The Effect of Calcium on the Binding of Calmodulin to Calcium/Calmodulin Protein Kinase II: Demonstrating the Calcium-Dependent Binding of Calmodulin to a Target Protein

This exercise visually demonstrates that the binding of calcium to calmodulin changes its conformation to allow binding to a target protein, calcium/c...

Integrating Introductory Biology and General Chemistry Laboratories: Making the Necessary Connections Between Scientific Disciplines at Boston University

Journal Article

Integrating Introductory Biology and General Chemistry Laboratories: Making the Necessary Connections Between Scientific Disciplines at Boston University

This paper discusses how two different laboratory sections can employ nontraditional investigative laboratory modules that integrate concepts from cel...

Research and Teaching: Using Learning-Styles Data to Design a Microbiology Course: Addressing a Spectrum of Learning Styles at the University of Puerto Rico

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Using Learning-Styles Data to Design a Microbiology Course: Addressing a Spectrum of Learning Styles at the University of Puerto Rico

Studies in learning theory indicate that active learning is more effective than passive learning (Matthews, Cooper, Davidson, and Hawkes 1995; McKeach...

Using an Environmental Science Course to Promote Scientific Literacy: Expanding Critical-Thinking Skills Beyond the Environmental Sciences

Journal Article

Using an Environmental Science Course to Promote Scientific Literacy: Expanding Critical-Thinking Skills Beyond the Environmental Sciences

The scientific and technological issues surrounding environmental problems exemplify why teaching scientific literacy is so vital to environmental sci...

Enhancing Undergraduate Science Instruction: The G-Step Approach: Capitalizing on the Pedagogical Strengths of Science Educators and the Content Expertise of Science TAs

Journal Article

Enhancing Undergraduate Science Instruction: The G-Step Approach: Capitalizing on the Pedagogical Strengths of Science Educators and the Content Expertise of Science TAs

Only rarely do teaching assistants (TAs) attend professional development workshops designed to acquaint them with pedagogical models. Thus, new instru...

What College Science Faculty Can Learn About Change: The K-16 Continuum—Viewing School Teachers as Partners in Change

Journal Article

What College Science Faculty Can Learn About Change: The K-16 Continuum—Viewing School Teachers as Partners in Change

K–12 teachers, who sometimes know more about teaching and learning than college professors, can be a great source of information about effective tea...

SCST: What Happened to Scott? Helping Our Students Through Online Courses and Distance Education

Journal Article

SCST: What Happened to Scott? Helping Our Students Through Online Courses and Distance Education

In this column the leadership of the Society for College Science Teachers (SCST) shares its views with JCST readers. In this month’s issue, the pres...

Video-Based Labs for Introductory Physics Courses: Analyzing and Graphing Motion on Video

Journal Article

Video-Based Labs for Introductory Physics Courses: Analyzing and Graphing Motion on Video

Video-based labs are a powerful tool for improving student understanding of one of the most difficult and important topics in physics: graphs. This ar...

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