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A Workshop on UNIX, Workstations, and Internet Connections: Demontrating to Nonusers the Vast Potential of Today's Computers

Journal Article

A Workshop on UNIX, Workstations, and Internet Connections: Demontrating to Nonusers the Vast Potential of Today's Computers

More and more of today's computer users need to keep pace with improved technology by enhancing their proficiency beyond word processing or spreadshee...

Getting Undergraduates to Critically Read and Discuss Primary Literature: Cultivating Students' Analytical Abilities in an Advanced Cell Biology Course

Journal Article

Getting Undergraduates to Critically Read and Discuss Primary Literature: Cultivating Students' Analytical Abilities in an Advanced Cell Biology Course

Many undergraduates have limited experience reading scientific primary literature, even though it's crucial for success in graduate school. This cours...

Editorial: Graphics in the Lecture Hall

Journal Article

Editorial: Graphics in the Lecture Hall

The Journal of College Science Teaching’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue....

Social Issues and Genetic Testing: A Case Study Using Advocacy Groups—Student Forum Explores Potential Uses and Misuses of Genetic Information

Journal Article

Social Issues and Genetic Testing: A Case Study Using Advocacy Groups—Student Forum Explores Potential Uses and Misuses of Genetic Information

Many biologists regard the twentieth century as the "age of genetics." Certainly, it is a time of revolutionary discovery and technological advancemen...

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